Winter Wonderland Event in Cardiff
Prior information notice
Section I: Contracting authority
I.1)Name, addresses and contact point(s)
Cardiff County Council
County Hall, Atlantic Wharf, Cardiff
For the attention of: Shauket Ali
CF10 4UW Cardiff
Telephone: +44 2920873736
I.2)Type of the contracting authority
Regional or local authority
I.3)Main activity
General public services
I.4)Contract award on behalf of other contracting authorities
Section II.B: Object of the contract (Supplies or services)
II.1)Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority:
Winter Wonderland Event in Cardiff
II.2)Type of contract and place of delivery or of performance
Service category No 26: Recreational, cultural and sporting services
NUTS code UKL22
II.3)Information on framework agreement
II.4)Short description of nature and quantity or value of supplies or services:
Cardiff Council operates an annual Winter Wonderland which in 2012 was held for the 12th Year. This event typically runs from mid-November when Cardiff switches on its Christmas Lights until early January (approximately 55 days). The event attracts approximately 200 000 visitors and 65 000 users of the ice rink each year and is open every day with the exception of Christmas Day.
Please view the Winter Wonderland website for details of this event
Cardiff Council currently has a small in-house Events team and procures the equipment, infrastructure and services listed (but not limited to) below via various contractual arrangements in order to operate Winter Wonderland:
- Ice rink and chillers;
- Ice machine;
- Ice skates;
- Rink platform;
- Marquees;
- Skate hire counters and rooms;
- Electrical distribution and lighting;
- Security;
- Toilets;
- Marketing;
- Catering.
Cardiff Council will be undertaking a review of all opportunities in early 2013 in relation to Events but wish to inform the market in advance that a procurement exercise in relation to WWL will be undertaken. Interested parties are advised that no formal decision has been made at this point on how this (or any other) Event will be managed and operated and that this will be made available following the review of the Events category as whole.
Cardiff Council is looking for expressions of interest from contractors interested in working with the Council in delivering and growing this successful event. The event is presently held on grass in front of the Council's City Hall building in the centre of Cardiff and interested parties should note there is a restricted access for building infrastructure.
The Council invites the market place to inform the Authorities' procurement process and to this end would welcome written submissions (not exceeding 4 sides of A4 paper) from potential suppliers indicating:
(i) their likely interest in bidding for such procurement;
(ii) the potential technical and commercial options for meeting the above requirements and deliver the above event;
(iii) observations on any proposed duration of the contract;
(iv) any other factors considered relevant or suggestions on how your organisation could add value to this event.
Following consideration of the written submissions the Council may wish to engage in further discussions with the respondents. Dependent on the level of such initial interest the Council is likely to host a Provider Information Day to undertake soft market testing and preliminary discussions with potential providers which may also further help to inform any subsequent Tender documentation.
This Prior Information Notice serves to alert the marketplace to this potential opportunity and the Council invites interested prospective contractors to lodge an initial expression of interest in this opportunity by submitting their details electronically to the email address listed below.
Additional details about the current operation of the service can be requested as part of your expression of interest to be submitted by e-mail only to Shauket Ali before 12:00 noon on 8.2.2013.
It is currently the intention of the Council to utilise a restricted tender route, although this may be reviewed following the outcome of this PIN.
Please note, the Council intends to use the information gathered to shape the proposed procurement process and specification for this project. Accordingly, commercially confidential information should be marked accordingly. Participating in this market sounding exercise will not guarantee short-listing at a later stage in the procurement, and the Council reserves the right not to proceed with the procurement process. The Council will not meet any costs incurred by any party in responding to this notice.
Please view the Winter Wonderland website for details of this event
Cardiff Council currently has a small in-house Events team and procures the equipment, infrastructure and services listed (but not limited to) below via various contractual arrangements in order to operate Winter Wonderland:
- Ice rink and chillers;
- Ice machine;
- Ice skates;
- Rink platform;
- Marquees;
- Skate hire counters and rooms;
- Electrical distribution and lighting;
- Security;
- Toilets;
- Marketing;
- Catering.
Cardiff Council will be undertaking a review of all opportunities in early 2013 in relation to Events but wish to inform the market in advance that a procurement exercise in relation to WWL will be undertaken. Interested parties are advised that no formal decision has been made at this point on how this (or any other) Event will be managed and operated and that this will be made available following the review of the Events category as whole.
Cardiff Council is looking for expressions of interest from contractors interested in working with the Council in delivering and growing this successful event. The event is presently held on grass in front of the Council's City Hall building in the centre of Cardiff and interested parties should note there is a restricted access for building infrastructure.
The Council invites the market place to inform the Authorities' procurement process and to this end would welcome written submissions (not exceeding 4 sides of A4 paper) from potential suppliers indicating:
(i) their likely interest in bidding for such procurement;
(ii) the potential technical and commercial options for meeting the above requirements and deliver the above event;
(iii) observations on any proposed duration of the contract;
(iv) any other factors considered relevant or suggestions on how your organisation could add value to this event.
Following consideration of the written submissions the Council may wish to engage in further discussions with the respondents. Dependent on the level of such initial interest the Council is likely to host a Provider Information Day to undertake soft market testing and preliminary discussions with potential providers which may also further help to inform any subsequent Tender documentation.
This Prior Information Notice serves to alert the marketplace to this potential opportunity and the Council invites interested prospective contractors to lodge an initial expression of interest in this opportunity by submitting their details electronically to the email address listed below.
Additional details about the current operation of the service can be requested as part of your expression of interest to be submitted by e-mail only to Shauket Ali before 12:00 noon on 8.2.2013.
It is currently the intention of the Council to utilise a restricted tender route, although this may be reviewed following the outcome of this PIN.
Please note, the Council intends to use the information gathered to shape the proposed procurement process and specification for this project. Accordingly, commercially confidential information should be marked accordingly. Participating in this market sounding exercise will not guarantee short-listing at a later stage in the procurement, and the Council reserves the right not to proceed with the procurement process. The Council will not meet any costs incurred by any party in responding to this notice.
This contract is divided into lots: noII.5)Common procurement vocabulary (CPV)
II.6)Scheduled date for start of award procedures
II.7)Information about Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The contract is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): yes
II.8)Additional information:
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
III.1)Conditions relating to the contract
III.1.1)Main financing conditions and payment arrangements and/or reference to the relevant provisions governing them:
III.2)Conditions for participation
III.2.1)Information about reserved contracts
Section VI: Complementary information
VI.1)Information about European Union funds
The contract is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
VI.2)Additional information:
Cardiff Council operates an annual Winter Wonderland which in 2012 was held for the 12th Year. This event typically runs from mid-November when Cardiff switches on its Christmas Lights until early January (approximately 55 days). The event attracts approximately 200 000 visitors and 65 000 users of the ice rink each year and is open every day with the exception of Christmas Day.
- Ice rink and chillers;
- Ice machine;
- Ice skates;
- Rink platform;
- Marquees;
- Skate hire counters and rooms;
- Electrical distribution and lighting;
- Security;
- Toilets;
- Marketing;
- Catering.
Cardiff Council will be undertaking a review of all opportunities in early 2013 in relation to Events but wish to inform the market in advance that a procurement exercise in relation to WWL will be undertaken. Interested parties are advised that no formal decision has been made at this point on how this (or any other) Event will be managed and operated and that this will be made available following the review of the Events category as whole.
Cardiff Council is looking for expressions of interest from contractors interested in working with the Council in delivering and growing this successful event. The event is presently held on grass in front of the Council's City Hall building in the centre of Cardiff and interested parties should note there is a restricted access for building infrastructure.
The Council invites the market place to inform the Authorities' procurement process and to this end would welcome written submissions (not exceeding 4 sides of A4 paper) from potential suppliers indicating:
(i) their likely interest in bidding for such procurement;
(ii) the potential technical and commercial options for meeting the above requirements and deliver the above event;
(iii) observations on any proposed duration of the contract;
(iv) any other factors considered relevant or suggestions on how your organisation could add value to this event.
Following consideration of the written submissions the Council may wish to engage in further discussions with the respondents. Dependent on the level of such initial interest the Council is likely to host a Provider Information Day to undertake soft market testing and preliminary discussions with potential providers which may also further help to inform any subsequent Tender documentation.
This Prior Information Notice serves to alert the marketplace to this potential opportunity and the Council invites interested prospective contractors to lodge an initial expression of interest in this opportunity by submitting their details electronically to the email address listed below.
Please note, the Council intends to use the information gathered to shape the proposed procurement process and specification for this project. Accordingly, commercially confidential information should be marked accordingly. Participating in this market sounding exercise will not guarantee short-listing at a later stage in the procurement, and the Council reserves the right not to proceed with the procurement process. The Council will not meet any costs incurred by any party in responding to this notice.
Buy4Wales Reference Number: 33187.
Please view the Winter Wonderland website for details of this event
Cardiff Council currently has a small in-house Events team and procures the equipment, infrastructure and services listed (but not limited to) below via various contractual arrangements in order to operate Winter Wonderland:- Ice rink and chillers;
- Ice machine;
- Ice skates;
- Rink platform;
- Marquees;
- Skate hire counters and rooms;
- Electrical distribution and lighting;
- Security;
- Toilets;
- Marketing;
- Catering.
Cardiff Council will be undertaking a review of all opportunities in early 2013 in relation to Events but wish to inform the market in advance that a procurement exercise in relation to WWL will be undertaken. Interested parties are advised that no formal decision has been made at this point on how this (or any other) Event will be managed and operated and that this will be made available following the review of the Events category as whole.
Cardiff Council is looking for expressions of interest from contractors interested in working with the Council in delivering and growing this successful event. The event is presently held on grass in front of the Council's City Hall building in the centre of Cardiff and interested parties should note there is a restricted access for building infrastructure.
The Council invites the market place to inform the Authorities' procurement process and to this end would welcome written submissions (not exceeding 4 sides of A4 paper) from potential suppliers indicating:
(i) their likely interest in bidding for such procurement;
(ii) the potential technical and commercial options for meeting the above requirements and deliver the above event;
(iii) observations on any proposed duration of the contract;
(iv) any other factors considered relevant or suggestions on how your organisation could add value to this event.
Following consideration of the written submissions the Council may wish to engage in further discussions with the respondents. Dependent on the level of such initial interest the Council is likely to host a Provider Information Day to undertake soft market testing and preliminary discussions with potential providers which may also further help to inform any subsequent Tender documentation.
This Prior Information Notice serves to alert the marketplace to this potential opportunity and the Council invites interested prospective contractors to lodge an initial expression of interest in this opportunity by submitting their details electronically to the email address listed below.
Additional details about the current operation of the service can be requested as part of your expression of interest to be submitted by e-mail only to Shauket Ali before 12:00 noon on 8.2.2013.
It is currently the intention of the Council to utilise a restricted tender route, although this may be reviewed following the outcome of this PIN.Please note, the Council intends to use the information gathered to shape the proposed procurement process and specification for this project. Accordingly, commercially confidential information should be marked accordingly. Participating in this market sounding exercise will not guarantee short-listing at a later stage in the procurement, and the Council reserves the right not to proceed with the procurement process. The Council will not meet any costs incurred by any party in responding to this notice.
Buy4Wales Reference Number: 33187.
VI.3)Information on general regulatory framework
VI.4)Date of dispatch of this notice: