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Public tenders in the local authority area of Argyll and Bute

Number of tenders: 140
Title Published Contracting authority Local authority area
Framework Contract: Supply of Asphalt Paving Machines.2013-02-19Argyll and Bute Council
1A Manse Brae
Contact point(s): Development and Infrastructure Services
For the attention of: Jennifer King - Purchasing Officer
PA31 8RD Lochgilphead
Argyll and Bute
Two fire vehicles are sought by Oban Airport that should be capable of Category 3 RFFS operations although predominantly operating at Category 2. Ideally both vehicles will have the same specifications, however, depending on cost, a slightly lower ... 2013-02-13Argyll and Bute Council
Contact point(s): Procurement
For the attention of: Christine McKenzie - Purchasing Officer
PA31 8RT Lochgilphead
Argyll and Bute
Argyll and Bute Council are developing its own standalone Social Work Emergency Service which will operate outwith core business hours to respond appropriately to referrals relating to adults and older people at risk and vulnerable children and young ... 2013-02-05Argyll and Bute Council
Contact point(s): Customer Services
For the attention of: Christine McKenzie - Purchasing Officer
PA31 8RT Lochgilphead
Argyll and Bute
Insurance Tender for SAMS Group.2013-01-10Scottish Association for Marine Science ('SAMS')
Scottish Marine Institute, Oban
Contact point(s): Finance Department
For the attention of: Liz Campbell
PA37 1QA Argyll
Argyll and Bute
CHORD - Helensburgh Town Centre and West Bay Esplanade public realm improvement scheme.2013-01-08Argyll and Bute Council
Witchburn Road
Contact point(s): Procurement and Commissioning Team
For the attention of: Emma Graham
PA28 6JU Campbeltown
Argyll and Bute
PQQ for Kilmartin Museum Redevelopment2012-12-17Kilmartin House Museum
For the attention of: Ailsa Raeburn
PA31 8RQ Argyll
Argyll and Bute
Provision of School and Local Transport Services in Oban and Lorn.2012-12-13Argyll and Bute Council
Contact point(s): Customer Services
For the attention of: Christine McKenzie - Purchasing Officer
PA31 8RT Lochgilphead
Argyll and Bute
Provision of technical support to the naval base design authority, HMNB Clyde.2012-12-13HM Naval Base Clyde, DE&S;
Room 316, Lomond Building, HMNB Clyde, Faslane
Contact point(s): MOD Commercial
For the attention of: Allison Waddell
G84 8HL Helensburgh
Argyll and Bute
Argyll and Bute Council require the provision of school transport services in the Helensburgh and Lomond area.2012-12-04Argyll and Bute Council
Contact point(s): Customer Services
For the attention of: Christine McKenzie - Purchasing Officer
PA31 8RT Lochgilphead
Argyll and Bute
Supply and implementation of an enterprise works management system.2012-11-09Argyll Community Housing Association Limited
Dalriada House, Lochnell Street
For the attention of: Mr Chris Shaw
PA31 8ST Lochgilphead
Argyll and Bute
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