Collection, Treatment and Disposal of Household WEEE.
Contract notice
Section I: Contracting authority
Scotland Excel
4th Floor, Renfrewshire House, Cotton Street
Contact point(s): Environment
For the attention of: Yvonne Yule
PA1 1AR Paisley
Telephone: +44 3003001200
Fax: +44 1416187423
Internet address(es):
General address of the contracting authority:
Address of the buyer profile:
Further information can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Specifications and additional documents (including documents for competitive dialogue and a dynamic purchasing system) can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to: The above mentioned contact point(s)
The contracting authority is purchasing on behalf of other contracting authorities: yes
Aberdeen City Council
Aberdeenshire Council
Angus Council
Argyll and Bute Council
City of Edinburgh Council
Clackmannanshire Council
Comhairle nan Eilean Siar
Dumfries and Galloway Council
Dundee City Council
East Ayrshire Council
East Dunbartonshire Council
East Lothian Council
East Renfrewshire Council
Falkirk Council
Fife Council
Glasgow City Council
Highland Council
Inverclyde Council
Midlothian Council
Moray Council, The
North Ayrshire Council
North Lanarkshire Council
Orkney Islands Council
Perth and Kinross Council
Renfrewshire Council
Scottish Borders Council
Shetland Islands Council
South Ayrshire Council
South Lanarkshire Council
Stirling Council
West Dunbartonshire Council
West Lothian Council
Tayside Contracts
Section II: Object of the contract
Service category No 16: Sewage and refuse disposal services; sanitation and similar services
Main site or location of works, place of delivery or of performance: Various locations throughout the Scottish Council Boundaries.
NUTS code UK
maximum number of participants to the framework agreement envisaged: 10
Duration of the framework agreement
Duration in months: 36Scotland Excel is seeking to appoint approved Producer Compliance Schemes to provide a service to Councils for the recycling, reuse and disposal of Household WEEE.
NOTE: The authority has indicated that they are using the PCS-Tender Module to carry out this procurement process. To access the PCS-Tender Module and record your interest in this notice please visit
If you are not already registered with the PCS-Tender Module registration will be required.90500000, 90510000, 90514000, 31400000, 31410000, 31411000, 31420000, 31421000, 31422000, 31430000, 31432000, 31434000, 31440000
Scotland Excel gives no guarantee as to the tonnage of annual WEEE that can be expected during the lifetime of this Contract. This may be lower initially and may increase as Council participation increases.
This framework is for the Collection, Treatment and Disposal of Household Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment for the period April 2013 to 31 March 2015 with an option to extend, subject to satisfactory performance, customer satisfaction, and current proposals to legislative changes for upto 12 months.
To provide Councils with a straightforward and compliant collection system from Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRC) and other local recycling centres. Tenderers will be required to provide and maintain any relevant storage and transport equipment, meet any and all legislative requirements relating to the service as a whole (including taking responsibility for all sub contractors' activities) and provide all evidence and certification to same through the life of the framework.
Tenderers must ensure that facilities provide evidence on the levels of recycling and reuse that have taken place.
The service requirements must conform to The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2006 and The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (Amendment) Regulations 2009 and the industry Code of Practice for disposal of WEEE.
Notwithstanding the reference to "framework agreement" in II.1.3, tenderers are asked to note that this is a voluntary advert for a concession service. Following this tender, the arrangements to be entered into with successful tenderers will take a form of a framework agreement. (Please refer to part VI.3 of this notice and the tender documents for further information.)
Estimated value excluding VAT: 0 GBP
Description of these options: Scotland Excel reserves the right to extend this framework for up to 12 month subject to satisfactory performance, customer satisfaction and current proposals to legislative changes.
Number of possible renewals: 1
In the case of renewable supplies or service contracts, estimated timeframe for subsequent contracts:
in months: 36 (from the award of the contract)
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Description of particular conditions: The service requirements must conform to The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Regulations 2006 and The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (Amendment) Regulations 2009, and the industry Code of Practice for disposal of WEEE.
(2) All candidates will be required to produce a certificate or declaration demonstrating that the candidate, their directors, or any other person who has powers of representation, decision or control of the candidate has not been convicted of conspiracy, corruption, bribery, or money laundering. Failure to provide such a declaration will result in the candidate being declared ineligible and they will not be selected to participate in this procurement process.
(3) All candidates will be required to produce a certificate or declaration demonstrating that they have not been convicted of a criminal offence relating to the conduct of their business or profession.
(4) All candidates will be required to produce a certificate or declaration demonstrating that they have not committed an act of grave misconduct in the course of their business or profession.
(5) All candidates must comply with the requirements of the State in which they are established, regarding registration on the professional or trade register.
(6) Any candidate found to be guilty of serious misrepresentation in providing any information required, may be declared ineligible and not selected to continue with this procurement process.
(7) All candidates will have to demonstrate that they are licensed, or a member of the relevant organisation, in the State where they are established, when the law of that State prohibits the provision of the services, described in this notice, by a person who is not so licensed or who is not a member of the relevant organisation.
(8) All candidates will be required to produce a certificate or declaration demonstrating that they have fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security contributions under the law of any part of the United Kingdom or of the relevant State in which the candidate is established
(9) All candidates will be required to produce a certificate or declaration demonstrating that they have fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of taxes under the law of any part of the United Kingdom or of the relevant State in which the economic operator is established.
All tenderers must be approved Producer Compliance Schemes for Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment.
Minimum level(s) of standards possibly required: Minimum Insurance Levels - WEEE
Employer's Liability - min of: 5m GBP
Third party/Public Liability - min of: 5m GBP
Third party MV Liability - min of: 5m GBP
(1) All candidates will be required to provide certification from an independent body attesting conformity to environmental management standards in accordance with the Community Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS); or the European standard BS EN ISO 14001.
(2) All candidates will be required to provide certification drawn up by an independent body attesting the compliance of the economic operator with quality assurance standards based on the relevant European standards.
(3) A statement of the principal goods sold or services provided by the supplier or the services provider in the past 3 years, detailing the dates on which the goods were sold or the services provided; the consideration received; the identity of the person to whom the goods were sold or the services were provided
(4) A check may be carried out by the contracting authority or by a competent official body of the State in which the candidate is established, to verify the technical capacity of the candidate; and if relevant, on the candidates study and research facilities and quality control measures;
(5) A statement of the candidate's technical facilities; measures for ensuring quality; and their study and research facilities;
(6) An indication of the proportion of the contract which the services provider intends possibly to subcontract.
(7) A statement of the tools, plant or technical equipment available to the service provider or contractor for carrying out the contract.
Section IV: Procedure
Prior information notice
Notice number in the OJEU: 2012/S 198-325609 of 13.10.2012
Scotland Excel Offices.
Persons authorised to be present at the opening of tenders: yesAdditional information about authorised persons and opening procedure: Only Scotland Excel officers will be present at tender opening.
Section VI: Complementary information
Estimated timing for further notices to be published: Approximately 1 year prior to the expiry of this framework.
The scope of the services to be provided in this framework fall within the definition of a Concession services contract and therefore is not subject to the full requirements of the Regulations.
Any reference to any of the Regulations, either directly or in the terms used, from which this framework is exempt is coincidental and should not be construed as applying any of the Regulations to this tender process or bringing any of them into force.
Where it is not required to follow one of the procedures set out in the Regulations, Scotland Excel is required by its procedural standing orders relating to contracts to follow a process defined within those standing orders and has elected to use the "Open Tendering" procedure identified therein. This provides that tender documents are made available to anyone wishing to receive them.
Scotland Excel intends to use an electronic tendering system (PCS-Tender Module) for this exercise. Interested parties can access the tender documents via this system at (please note this is a different website from Public Contracts Scotland (the system on which this notice is published) and must be accessed separately at the above address).
The tender documents will be accessible online from Friday 1 February 2013. The last date for accessing the tender documents will be 12noon on Thursday 21 February 2013.The system requires providers who have not used this system previously to register their details. Once logged in providers can access the tender document by searching for project 744, Collection, Treatment and Disposal of Household Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment . Please note that the tender documents are only available to access online. These will not be sent to you. If you experience difficulty in accessing the tender documents please contact Bravo Solutions for help on 0800 368 4850 or .
Scotland Excel will make available a message facility through the electronic tendering system (PCS-Tender Module) which tenderers may use to ask for clarification of any points in the tender before the closing date for the messaging facility which is 12noon on Friday 22 February 2013. This system provides for open and transparent record of communications throughout the tender period and submitted questions will be anonymised and presented to all tenderers along with Scotland Excel's response to ensure equal treatment of tenderers.(SC Ref:242644)