Directive 2004/18/EC
Section I: Contracting authority
I.1)Name, addresses and contact point(s)Common Services Agency (commonly known as NHS National Services Scotland) ('Authority')
Gyle Square (NSS Head Office), 1 South Gyle Crescent
Contact point(s): Strategic Sourcing
For the attention of: Moira Milligan Commodity Manager
EH12 9EB Edinburgh
Telephone: +44 1312756589
Internet address(es):
General address of the contracting authority:
Address of the buyer profile:
Further information can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Specifications and additional documents (including documents for competitive dialogue and a dynamic purchasing system) can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to: The above mentioned contact point(s)
I.2)Type of the contracting authorityBody governed by public law
I.4)Contract award on behalf of other contracting authoritiesThe contracting authority is purchasing on behalf of other contracting authorities: yes
Golden Jubilee Hospital (National Waiting Times Centre Board)
NHS 24
NHS Ayrshire and Arran
NHS Borders
NHS Dumfries and Galloway
NHS Education for Scotland
NHS Fife
NHS Forth Valley
NHS Grampian
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
NHS Health Scotland
NHS Highland
NHS Lanarkshire
NHS Lothian
NHS Orkney
NHS Shetland
NHS Tayside
NHS Western Isles
Scottish Ambulance Service
The State Hospital for Scotland
Health Improvement Scotland
All entities constituted pursuant to the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978, (i.e. all NHS Scotland Health Boards, Special Health Boards and the Authority)
Section II: Object of the contract
II.1.1)Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority:NP144/13 Intravenous Administration Sets & Related Items.
II.1.2)Type of contract and location of works, place of delivery or of performanceSupplies
Main site or location of works, place of delivery or of performance: All mainland and island Health Boards and Special Health Boards, plus all locations of the Common Services Agency.
II.1.3)Information about a public contract, a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system (DPS)The notice involves the establishment of a framework agreement
II.1.4)Information on framework agreementFramework agreement with several operators
maximum number of participants to the framework agreement envisaged: 30
Duration of the framework agreement
Duration in years: 3
Justification for a framework agreement, the duration of which exceeds four years: This is a complex clinical area and changes to product will require considerable staff training and potential change to clinical practise and training in technique. This award may take the additional year extension option that would take it past the 4 year point, but this will be determined during the 4th year of the framework.
II.1.5)Short description of the contract or purchase(s)Supply of Intravenous Administration Sets & Related Items including needle-free access products and associated accessories. This Framework will be available to all entities constituted pursuant to the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978, (i.e. all NHS Scotland Health Boards, Special Health Boards and the Authority or other NHS organisation established pursuant to the NHS (Scotland) Act 1978). This tender will be carried out using Public Contracts Scotland - Tender eSourcing portal. The site requires you to register to obtain the tender documentation. The portal website address is:
NOTE: The authority has indicated that they are using the PCS-Tender Module to carry out this procurement process. To access the PCS-Tender Module and record your interest in this notice please visit
If you are not already registered with the PCS-Tender Module registration will be required.
II.1.6)Common procurement vocabulary (CPV) II.1.7)Information about Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)The contract is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): yes
II.1.8)LotsThis contract is divided into lots: yes
Tenders may be submitted for one or more lots
II.1.9)Information about variantsVariants will be accepted: no
II.2)Quantity or scope of the contract
II.2.1)Total quantity or scope:Supply of Intravenous Administration Sets & Related Items including needle-free access products and associated accessories.
The Contract will awarded in 6 different Lots:
Lot 1 - Needle-free products
Lot 2 - Cytotoxic Needle-free products
Lot 3 - Blood & Blood Components products
Lot 4 - Extension Sets
Lot 5 - Gravity Solution Sets
Lot 6 - Accessories
Out of scope are products used specifically in pumps.
This Framework will be made available to all entities constituted pursuant to the National Health Service (Scotland) Act 1978, (i.e. all NHS Scotland Health Boards, Special Health Boards and the Authority).
Important: This tender will be carried out using Public Contracts Scotland - Tender eSourcing portal. The site requires you to register to obtain the tender documentation. The portal website address is:
Estimated value excluding VAT: 18 000 000 GBP
II.2.2)Information about optionsOptions: yes
Description of these options: The Authority is entitled at its sole discretion to extend the duration of the Framework Agreement by up to 24 months.
Provisional timetable for recourse to these options:
in months: 33 (from the award of the contract)
II.2.3)Information about renewalsThis contract is subject to renewal: no
II.3)Duration of the contract or time limit for completion
Information about lots
Lot No: 1 Lot title: Needle Free1)Short descriptionNeedle free.
2)Common procurement vocabulary (CPV) 3)Quantity or scopeNeedle free Intravenous Administration Sets.
4)Indication about different date for duration of contract or starting/completion
5)Additional information about lotsA maximum of 3 economic operators will be appointed to this Lot (provided they are assessed as capable of meeting the requirements set out in the tender documents and submit admissable tenders). However, if the awarded Suppliers do not provide sufficient coverage of the range of generic items within this Lot, then the Authority reserves the right to award additional Suppliers, by score, up to a maximum of 6 to allow sufficient coverage of the generic items in this Lot. Awarded Suppliers are unranked for this Lot.
Lot No: 2 Lot title: Cytotoxic Needlefree1)Short descriptionCytotoxic Needlefree Administration Sets.
2)Common procurement vocabulary (CPV) 3)Quantity or scopeCytotoxic Needlefree products.
4)Indication about different date for duration of contract or starting/completion
5)Additional information about lotsA maximum of 3 economic operators will be appointed to this Lot (provided they are assessed as capable of meeting the requirements set out in the tender documents and submit admissable tenders). However, if the awarded Suppliers do not provide sufficient coverage of the range of generic items within this Lot, then the Authority reserves the right to award additional Suppliers, by score, up to a maximum of 6 to allow sufficient coverage of the generic items in this Lot. Awarded Suppliers are unranked for this Lot.
Lot No: 3 Lot title: Blood & Blood Components1)Short descriptionBlood & Blood Components Administration Sets.
2)Common procurement vocabulary (CPV) 3)Quantity or scopeIncluding but not restricted to Red Cell & Platelet Cell Concentrate, Fresh Frozen Plasma & Cryoprecipitate GIVING SETS.
4)Indication about different date for duration of contract or starting/completion
5)Additional information about lotsA maximum of 3 economic operators will be appointed to this Lot (provided they are assessed as capable of meeting the requirements set out in the tender documents and submit admissable tenders). However, if the awarded Suppliers do not provide sufficient coverage of the range of generic items within this Lot, then the Authority reserves the right to award additional Suppliers, by score, up to a maximum of 6 to allow sufficient coverage of the generic items in this Lot. Awarded Suppliers are Ranked for this Lot.
Lot No: 4 Lot title: Extension Sets1)Short descriptionExtension Sets & Supporting Products.
2)Common procurement vocabulary (CPV) 3)Quantity or scopeExtension Sets & Relevant Supporting Products.
4)Indication about different date for duration of contract or starting/completion
5)Additional information about lotsA maximum of 3 economic operators will be appointed to this Lot (provided they are assessed as capable of meeting the requirements set out in the tender documents and submit admissable tenders). However, if the awarded Suppliers do not provide sufficient coverage of the range of generic items within this Lot, then the Authority reserves the right to award additional Suppliers, by score, up to a maximum of 6 to allow sufficient coverage of the generic items in this Lot. Awarded Suppliers are Ranked for this Lot.
Lot No: 5 Lot title: Gravity Solution Sets1)Short descriptionGravity Solution Administration Sets.
2)Common procurement vocabulary (CPV) 3)Quantity or scopeGravity Solution Administration Sets & Relevant Supporting Products.
4)Indication about different date for duration of contract or starting/completion
5)Additional information about lotsA maximum of 3 economic operators will be appointed to this Lot (provided they are assessed as capable of meeting the requirements set out in the tender documents and submit admissable tenders). However, if the awarded Suppliers do not provide sufficient coverage of the range of generic items within this Lot, then the Authority reserves the right to award additional Suppliers, by score, up to a maximum of 6 to allow sufficient coverage of the generic items in this Lot. Awarded Suppliers are unranked for this Lot.
Lot No: 6 Lot title: Accessories1)Short descriptionAccessories for use with the above 5 Lots only.
2)Common procurement vocabulary (CPV) 3)Quantity or scopeRelevant supporting products for items tendered.
4)Indication about different date for duration of contract or starting/completion
5)Additional information about lotsAward of Potential Framework Participants to this Lot will be determined by the outcome of Lots 1 - 5. All Potential Framework Participants who are successful in Lots 1 - 5 will be awarded all submitted Accessories under this Lot.
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
III.1)Conditions relating to the contract
III.1.1)Deposits and guarantees required:
III.1.2)Main financing conditions and payment arrangements and/or reference to the relevant provisions governing them:
III.1.3)Legal form to be taken by the group of economic operators to whom the contract is to be awarded:
III.1.4)Other particular conditionsThe performance of the contract is subject to particular conditions: no
III.2)Conditions for participation
III.2.1)Personal situation of economic operators, including requirements relating to enrolment on professional or trade registersInformation and formalities necessary for evaluating if the requirements are met: Economic operators should confirm that neither it, its Directors, nor any person who has power or representation, decision or control of the economic operator has been convicted of any of the offences detailed in Regulation 23(1) of the Public Contracts (Scotalnd) Regulations 2012 and that the grounds detailed in Regulation 23(4) of the Regulations do not apply to the economic operator.
III.2.2)Economic and financial abilityMinimum level(s) of standards possibly required: Potential Framework Participants must submit Statements of accounts or extracts from those accounts relating to the business of the Potential Framework Participant where publication of the statement is required under the law of the relevant State in which the Potential Framework Participant is established; or where appropriate, a statement, covering the three previous financial years of the Potential Framework Participant, of -
(a) the overall turnover of the business of the Potential Framework Participant; and
(b) where appropriate, the turnover in respect of the goods or services which are of similar type to the subject matter of this Framework Agreement.
III.2.3)Technical capacityMinimum level(s) of standards possibly required:
a) Suppliers must be either ISO9001 (Quality Mgt System) or BS EN 13485 (Medical Devices Quality Management Standard), or equivalent, Certified;
b) All products tendered must be CE Marked;
c) All Products tendered for Lot 2 (Cytotoxic Needlefree) must meet the official guidelines for DEHP (Chemicals) for Cytotoxic product ranges;
d) All Products tendered must be Latex Free, including packaging.
III.2.4)Information about reserved contracts
III.3)Conditions specific to services contracts
III.3.1)Information about a particular profession
III.3.2)Staff responsible for the execution of the service
Section IV: Procedure
IV.1)Type of procedure
IV.1.1)Type of procedureOpen
IV.1.2)Limitations on the number of operators who will be invited to tender or to participate
IV.1.3)Reduction of the number of operators during the negotiation or dialogue
IV.2)Award criteria
IV.2.1)Award criteriaThe most economically advantageous tender in terms of the criteria stated in the specifications, in the invitation to tender or to negotiate or in the descriptive document
IV.2.2)Information about electronic auctionAn electronic auction will be used: no
IV.3)Administrative information
IV.3.1)File reference number attributed by the contracting authority:NP144/13.
IV.3.2)Previous publication(s) concerning the same contract
IV.3.3)Conditions for obtaining specifications and additional documents or descriptive document
IV.3.4)Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate22.1.2013 - 09:00
IV.3.5)Date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates
IV.3.6)Language(s) in which tenders or requests to participate may be drawn upEnglish.
IV.3.7)Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tenderDuration in months: 3 (from the date stated for receipt of tender)
IV.3.8)Conditions for opening of tendersDate: 22.1.2013 - 09:00
Gyle Square Edinburgh
Section VI: Complementary information
VI.1)Information about recurrence
VI.2)Information about European Union funds
VI.3)Additional informationThe maximum number of participants for Lots 1 - 5 will be determined by the successful award by lot, with the maximum number of economic operators being awarded per lot being 3 (provided they are assessed as capable of meeting the requirements set out in the tender documents and submit admissable tenders).
However, if the awarded Suppliers do not provide sufficient coverage of the range of generic items within a Lot, then the Authority reserves the right to award additional Suppliers, by score, up to a maximum of 6 to allow sufficient coverage of the generic items in the Lot.
Award of Potential Framework Participants to Lot 6 will be determined by the outcome of Lots 1 - 5. All Potential Framework Participants who are successful in Lots 1 - 5 will be awarded all submitted Accessories under this Lot.
Awarded Suppliers are Ranked in Lots 3 and 4, but unranked in Lots, 1, 2, 5 and 6.
Suppliers may be awarded more than one Lot. Evaluation for each Lot will be subject to the criteria detailed in the Invitation to Tender documents (ITT).
(SC Ref: 245713).
VI.4)Procedures for appeal
VI.4.1)Body responsible for appeal procedures
VI.4.2)Lodging of appealsPrecise information on deadline(s) for lodging appeals: The Authority will notify economic operators who submitted a tender or (where no deselection notification has previously been made) applied to be selected to tender, of its decision to award the framework agreement which notifcation will contain among other information, a summary of the reasons why the economic operator was unsuccessful. The notification will incorporate a 'standstill period' of a minimum of 10 clear calendar days (or a minimum of 15 if the communication method used is not electronic) between the date on which the Authority despatches the notice(s) and the date on which the Authority proposes to conclude the relevant framework agreement. The bringing of court proceedings against the Authority during the standstill period will automatically continue the prohibition on entering into the framework agreement until the court proceedings are determined, discontinued or disposed of, or the court, by interim order, brings to an end the prohibition. The remedies that may be awarded by the courts before the framework agreement has been entered into include the setting aside of the decision to award the framework agreement to the winning tenderer(s). The bringing of court proceedings against the Authority after the framework agreement has been entered into will not affect the framework agreement unless grounds for the imposition of special penalties under the Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2012 can be established. Otherwise the remedies that may be awarded by the courts where the framework agreement has been entered into are limited to the award of damages. Economic operators are entitled to write to the Authority after receipt of the notification should they require further clarification. The Authority will respond within 15 days of such a written request, but it should be noted that receipt by the Authority of such request during the standstill period may not prevent the Authority from awarding the framework agreement following the expiry of the standstill period. Where an economic operator is dissatisfied with the Authority's response to its request for clarification, or considers that the framework agreement has been concluded in breach of The Public Contracts (Scotland) Regulations 2012, such economic operator is advised to promptly seek independent legal advice.
VI.4.3)Service from which information about the lodging of appeals may be obtained
VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:7.12.2012