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Public tenders in the local authority area of Cookstown

Number of tenders: 4
Title Published Contracting authority Local authority area
Transportation of leachate from two landfill sites in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland.2014-12-01Cookstown District Council
Burn Road, Cookstown, Co Tyrone
For the attention of: Mark McAdoo
BT80 8DT Cookstown
Northern Ireland
Transportation of leachate from two landfill sites in County Tyrone, Northern Ireland.2014-06-27Cookstown District Council
Burn Road, Cookstown, Co Tyrone
Contact point(s): Head of Waste and Contract Management
For the attention of: Mr Mark McAdoo
BT80 8DT Cookstown
Northern Ireland
Development and delivery of Business Elevate Programme - to provide a programme of support to 84 businesses located within the Cookstown Disrict Council area.2013-03-26Cookstown District Council
Council Offices, Burn Road
BT80 8DT Cookstown
UNITED KINGDOMInternet address(es): General address of the contracting authority:
Northern Ireland
Development and delivery of business elevate programme.2012-09-10Cookstown District Council
Council Offices, 66 Burn Road
BT80 8DT Cookstown
UNITED KINGDOMInternet address(es): General address of the contracting authority: submission of tenders and requests to participate: information can be obtained from: Cookstown District Council
Council Offices, 66 Burn Road
Northern Ireland