Contract notice - utilities
Directive 2004/17/EC
Section I: Contracting entity
I.1)Name, addresses and contact point(s)Belfast City Airport Limited
Sydenham Bypass
For the attention of: Judith Davis
BT3 9JH Belfast
Telephone: +44 2890939093
Fax: +44 2890939094
Internet address(es):
General address of the contracting entity:
Further information can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Specifications and additional documents (including documents for a dynamic purchasing system) can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to: The above mentioned contact point(s)
I.2)Main activityAirport-related activities
I.3)Contract award on behalf of other contracting entitiesThe contracting entity is purchasing on behalf of other contracting entities: no
Section II: Object of the contract
II.1.1)Title attributed to the contract by the contracting entity:Procurement of Services to Persons with Reduced Mobility.
II.1.2)Type of contract and location of works, place of delivery or of performanceServices
Service category No 20: Supporting and auxiliary transport services
Main site or location of works, place of delivery or of performance: George Best Belfast City Airport.
NUTS code UKN01
II.1.3)Information about a public contract, a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system (DPS)The notice involves a public contract
II.1.4)Information on framework agreement
II.1.5)Short description of the contract or purchase(s):The Contracting Authority requires provision of certain services and the supply, operation and maintenance of appropriate associated equipment (such as wheelchairs, Smax chairs and ambilifts) to persons with reduced mobility at George Best Belfast City Airport.
The Contracting Authority requires the provision of a PRM Service operated on behalf of the airport authority for all airlines, to be delivered in line with ECAC Doc 30. Those services extend from meeting passengers requiring assistance in the car park and assisting them throughout their journey to boarding and seating them on the aircraft. The services also require: (a) the disembarking of passengers requiring assistance from arriving aircraft, through the terminal, baggage collection and to onward transport; and (b) the supply, operation and maintenance of appropriate equipment such as wheelchairs, Smax chairs and ambilifts. The Contractor will need to supply (at a minimum) two ambilifts, an aisle chair and a number and range of wheelchairs, together with any other equipment which the Contractor deems necessary to provide the services. The Contracting Authority does however own a Smax chair which the Contractor will be entitled to use during, and in accordance with, the terms of the Services Agreement governing provision of the services.
The services will be required 364 days per year, between 0500 - 2200, or until 2359 in exceptional circumstances.
The Contractor will be fully responsible for the day to day management of the services in accordance with all applicable legislation, regulations and codes, including ECAC Doc 30. The Contractor must provide driving training for the use of the equipment (as required), airside training and airside awareness training and ensure the compliance of all equipment with ECAC Doc 30 Annex K Recommendations. The Contractor will be responsible for ensuring adequate staffing levels and for meeting KPIs as advised.
Further details are available in the Project Information Memorandum and Pre-Qualification Questionnaire available on request from the contact point referred to above.
II.1.6)Common procurement vocabulary (CPV)63721500, 63112100, 63731000, 60400000, 60170000, 33196200, 33193000
II.1.7)Information about Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)The contract is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): yes
II.1.8)Information about lotsThis contract is divided into lots: no
II.1.9)Information about variantsVariants will be accepted: yes
II.2)Quantity or scope of the contract
II.2.1)Total quantity or scope:It is anticipated that the services agreement will, subject to any earlier termination in accordance with its terms (including, without limitation, due to performance by the Contractor), continue for a period of 3 years from its commencement. The Contracting Authority will have the option, at its discretion to extend the Services Agreement for two further periods of 12 months each. The exercise of the option to extend will be dependent upon the terms of the services agreement having been complied with in full and further is subject to, without limitation, satisfactory performance of the Contractor, and the estimated value below takes this option into account. The estimated annual contract value is between GBP 300,000 and GBP 350,000.
Estimated value excluding VAT
Range: between 1 500 000 and 1 750 000 GBP
II.2.2)Information about optionsOptions: yes
Description of these options: The Contracting Authority may, at its discretion and dependent upon the terms of the services agreement having been complied with in full and, without limitation, satisfactory performance of the Contractor, extend the services agreement for two further periods of twelve (12) months each.
Provisional timetable for recourse to these options:
in months: 36 (from the award of the contract)
II.2.3)Information about renewalsThis contract is subject to renewal: no
II.3)Duration of the contract or time limit for completion
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
III.1)Conditions relating to the contract
III.1.1)Deposits and guarantees required:The Contracting Authority reserves the right to require performance bonds, deposits, parent company guarantees or other forms of undertaking or security to ensure proper contractual performance.
III.1.2)Main financing conditions and payment arrangements and/or reference to the relevant provisions governing them:As set out in the contract documentation which will be provided to all bidders invited to take part in the negotiation process.
III.1.3)Legal form to be taken by the group of economic operators to whom the contract is to be awarded:Subject to the status and involvement of the parties, the Contracting Authority may require the parties to commit to joint and several liability in respect of the services agreement. Alternatively the Contracting Authority may require the lead operator to take total responsibility or a consortium to form a legal entity and provide parent company guarantees before entering into any services agreement.
III.1.4)Other particular conditions:The performance of the contract is subject to particular conditions: yes
Description of particular conditions: The conditions applicable to the services agreement are set out in the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire, Project Information Memorandum, Invitation to Negotiate and draft services agreement. It will be a condition of the services agreement that the successful bidder's staff obtain and maintain full security clearance for working airside during the term of the service agreement. If any material elements of the services agreement will be sub-contracted, sub-contractors must be identified and complete the relevant sections of the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire.
III.2)Conditions for participation
III.2.1)Personal situation of economic operators, including requirements relating to enrolment on professional or trade registersInformation and formalities necessary for evaluating if the requirements are met: As specified in the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire.
III.2.2)Economic and financial abilityInformation and formalities necessary for evaluating if the requirements are met: The minimum standards to be met by the bidder are specified in full in the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (available on request from the contact point specified above) and include, without limitation: minimum insurance requirements of: (a) public liability insurance - GBP 5 million in the aggregate; (b) airside public liability insurance - GBP 20 million in the aggregate; and (c) employer's liability insurance - GBP 10 million in the aggregate.
III.2.3)Technical capacityInformation and formalities necessary for evaluating if the requirements are met: The minimum standards to be met by the successful bidder are specified in full in the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire.
III.2.4)Information about reserved contracts
III.3)Conditions specific to services contracts
III.3.1)Information about a particular professionExecution of the service is reserved to a particular profession: no
III.3.2)Staff responsible for the execution of the serviceLegal persons should indicate the names and professional qualifications of the staff responsible for the execution of the service: no
Section IV: Procedure
IV.1)Type of procedure
IV.1.1)Type of procedureNegotiated
Some candidates have already been selected (if appropriate under certain types of negotiated procedures): no
IV.2)Award criteria
IV.2.1)Award criteriaThe most economically advantageous tender in terms of the criteria stated in the specifications or in the invitation to tender or to negotiate
IV.2.2)Information about electronic auctionAn electronic auction will be used: no
IV.3)Administrative information
IV.3.1)File reference number attributed by the contracting entity:
IV.3.2)Previous publication(s) concerning the same contractno
IV.3.3)Conditions for obtaining specifications and additional documentsTime limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: ..
IV.3.4)Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate20.12.2013 - 12:00
IV.3.5)Language(s) in which tenders or requests to participate may be drawn upEnglish.
IV.3.6)Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender
IV.3.7)Conditions for opening of tenders
Section VI: Complementary information
VI.1)Information about recurrenceThis is a recurrent procurement: no
VI.2)Information about European Union fundsThe contract is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
VI.3)Additional information:This contract notice relates to a part B services procurement under the Utilities Contracts Regulations 2006 (as amended) which is being advertised by the Contracting Authority in OJEU on a voluntary basis.
The Pre-Qualification Questionnaire and Project Information Memorandum are available on request from the contact point set out in section 1 of this notice.
The costs of responding to this OJEU notice and participation in the procurement will be borne by each bidder. All discussions and correspondence will be deemed strictly subject to contract until the formal service agreement is entered into. The services agreement will not be binding until it has been signed and dated by the authorised representatives of both parties. Bidders that satisfy the requirements of the pre-qualification process will be offered the opportunity of a site visit to inspect the areas in which services are currently provided. Further details will be provided by the Contracting Authority in due course.
The Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations and/or the Service Provision Change (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 may apply to the staff/operatives currently engaged in the provision of the services. Further information will be provided at the Invitation to Negotiate stage of this process. Tenderers are required to seek their own advice, make their own investigations and include for this if applicable in their tender responses. Further information is included in the Project Information Memorandum.
Each bidder must maintain the validity of its tender open for acceptance for a period of 6 months from the deadline for receipt of tenders.
VI.4)Procedures for appeal
VI.4.1)Body responsible for appeal proceduresPlease refer to section VI.4.2 of this notice
VI.4.2)Lodging of appealsPrecise information on deadline(s) for lodging appeals: The Contracting Authority will incorporate a voluntary 10 calendar day standstill period at the point information on the award of the services agreement is communicated to all bidders. The standstill period provides time for unsuccessful bidders to challenge the award decision before the services agreement is entered into. The Utilities Contracts Regulations 2006 (as amended) provides for aggrieved parties who have been harmed, or are at risk of harm by a breach of the rules to take action in the High Court (Northern Ireland).
VI.4.3)Service from which information about the lodging of appeals may be obtained
VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice:27.11.2013