Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) in the local authority area of Surrey
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44221310-1 Access gates
32351000-8 Accessories for sound and video equipment
66512000-2 Accident and health insurance services
66512100-3 Accident insurance services
90911100-7 Accommodation cleaning services
90911000-6 Accommodation, building and window cleaning services
79212500-8 Accounting review services
72212443-6 Accounting software development services
48443000-5 Accounting software package
48444000-2 Accounting system
24954000-6 Activated carbon
75122000-7 Administrative healthcare services
79340000-9 Advertising and marketing services
79341400-0 Advertising campaign services
79341100-7 Advertising consultancy services
79341200-8 Advertising management services
79341000-6 Advertising services
71210000-3 Advisory architectural services
71354200-6 Aerial mapping services
30163100-0 Agency fuel cards
03000000-1 Agricultural, farming, fishing, forestry and related products
77000000-0 Agricultural, forestry, horticultural, aquacultural and apicultural services
90731800-8 Airborne particle monitoring
45312000-7 Alarm system and antenna installation work
35121700-5 Alarm systems
79711000-1 Alarm-monitoring services
33170000-2 Anaesthesia and resuscitation
33172000-6 Anaesthesia and resuscitation devices
33172100-7 Anaesthesia devices
33661100-2 Anaesthetics
38434000-6 Analysers
38432000-2 Analysis apparatus
71620000-0 Analysis services
03340000-6 Animal ear tags
32330000-5 Apparatus for sound, video-recording and reproduction
71251000-2 Architectural and building-surveying services
71200000-0 Architectural and related services
71220000-6 Architectural design services
71221000-3 Architectural services for buildings
71000000-8 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
71240000-2 Architectural, engineering and planning services
71250000-5 Architectural, engineering and surveying services
92320000-0 Arts-facility operation services
90650000-8 Asbestos removal services
45262660-5 Asbestos-removal work
15550000-8 Assorted dairy products
79342400-7 Auction services
32321200-1 Audio-visual equipment
32321300-2 Audio-visual materials
79212000-3 Auditing services
32351000-8 Accessories for sound and video equipment
66512000-2 Accident and health insurance services
66512100-3 Accident insurance services
90911100-7 Accommodation cleaning services
90911000-6 Accommodation, building and window cleaning services
79212500-8 Accounting review services
72212443-6 Accounting software development services
48443000-5 Accounting software package
48444000-2 Accounting system
24954000-6 Activated carbon
75122000-7 Administrative healthcare services
79340000-9 Advertising and marketing services
79341400-0 Advertising campaign services
79341100-7 Advertising consultancy services
79341200-8 Advertising management services
79341000-6 Advertising services
71210000-3 Advisory architectural services
71354200-6 Aerial mapping services
30163100-0 Agency fuel cards
03000000-1 Agricultural, farming, fishing, forestry and related products
77000000-0 Agricultural, forestry, horticultural, aquacultural and apicultural services
90731800-8 Airborne particle monitoring
45312000-7 Alarm system and antenna installation work
35121700-5 Alarm systems
79711000-1 Alarm-monitoring services
33170000-2 Anaesthesia and resuscitation
33172000-6 Anaesthesia and resuscitation devices
33172100-7 Anaesthesia devices
33661100-2 Anaesthetics
38434000-6 Analysers
38432000-2 Analysis apparatus
71620000-0 Analysis services
03340000-6 Animal ear tags
32330000-5 Apparatus for sound, video-recording and reproduction
71251000-2 Architectural and building-surveying services
71200000-0 Architectural and related services
71220000-6 Architectural design services
71221000-3 Architectural services for buildings
71000000-8 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
71240000-2 Architectural, engineering and planning services
71250000-5 Architectural, engineering and surveying services
92320000-0 Arts-facility operation services
90650000-8 Asbestos removal services
45262660-5 Asbestos-removal work
15550000-8 Assorted dairy products
79342400-7 Auction services
32321200-1 Audio-visual equipment
32321300-2 Audio-visual materials
79212000-3 Auditing services