Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) in the local authority area of Leicestershire
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79714110-6 Absconder-tracing services
45233226-9 Access road construction work
66512000-2 Accident and health insurance services
66512100-3 Accident insurance services
90911100-7 Accommodation cleaning services
90911000-6 Accommodation, building and window cleaning services
66519600-7 Actuarial services
33693300-7 Addiction treatment
44424200-0 Adhesive tape
24911200-5 Adhesives
75100000-7 Administration services
75112000-4 Administrative services for business operations
75125000-8 Administrative services related to tourism affairs
85321000-5 Administrative social services
79340000-9 Advertising and marketing services
79341400-0 Advertising campaign services
79341100-7 Advertising consultancy services
79341200-8 Advertising management services
79341000-6 Advertising services
71318000-0 Advisory and consultative engineering services
16100000-6 Agricultural and forestry machinery for soil preparation or cultivation
16000000-5 Agricultural machinery
37461100-8 Air hockey tables or accessories
45331220-4 Air-conditioning installation work
45312000-7 Alarm system and antenna installation work
33170000-2 Anaesthesia and resuscitation
33172000-6 Anaesthesia and resuscitation devices
38432000-2 Analysis apparatus
71620000-0 Analysis services
45232332-8 Ancillary works for telecommunications
33111720-4 Angiography devices
45442200-9 Application work of anti-corrosive coatings
71251000-2 Architectural and building-surveying services
71200000-0 Architectural and related services
71223000-7 Architectural services for building extensions
71000000-8 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
71240000-2 Architectural, engineering and planning services
71250000-5 Architectural, engineering and surveying services
92512100-4 Archive destruction services
79995100-6 Archiving services
37823500-8 Art and craft paper
44410000-7 Articles for the bathroom and kitchen
44812000-5 Artists' paints
90650000-8 Asbestos removal services
79635000-4 Assessment centre services for recruitment
32351300-1 Audio equipment accessories
32321200-1 Audio-visual equipment
79212000-3 Auditing services
45233226-9 Access road construction work
66512000-2 Accident and health insurance services
66512100-3 Accident insurance services
90911100-7 Accommodation cleaning services
90911000-6 Accommodation, building and window cleaning services
66519600-7 Actuarial services
33693300-7 Addiction treatment
44424200-0 Adhesive tape
24911200-5 Adhesives
75100000-7 Administration services
75112000-4 Administrative services for business operations
75125000-8 Administrative services related to tourism affairs
85321000-5 Administrative social services
79340000-9 Advertising and marketing services
79341400-0 Advertising campaign services
79341100-7 Advertising consultancy services
79341200-8 Advertising management services
79341000-6 Advertising services
71318000-0 Advisory and consultative engineering services
16100000-6 Agricultural and forestry machinery for soil preparation or cultivation
16000000-5 Agricultural machinery
37461100-8 Air hockey tables or accessories
45331220-4 Air-conditioning installation work
45312000-7 Alarm system and antenna installation work
33170000-2 Anaesthesia and resuscitation
33172000-6 Anaesthesia and resuscitation devices
38432000-2 Analysis apparatus
71620000-0 Analysis services
45232332-8 Ancillary works for telecommunications
33111720-4 Angiography devices
45442200-9 Application work of anti-corrosive coatings
71251000-2 Architectural and building-surveying services
71200000-0 Architectural and related services
71223000-7 Architectural services for building extensions
71000000-8 Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services
71240000-2 Architectural, engineering and planning services
71250000-5 Architectural, engineering and surveying services
92512100-4 Archive destruction services
79995100-6 Archiving services
37823500-8 Art and craft paper
44410000-7 Articles for the bathroom and kitchen
44812000-5 Artists' paints
90650000-8 Asbestos removal services
79635000-4 Assessment centre services for recruitment
32351300-1 Audio equipment accessories
32321200-1 Audio-visual equipment
79212000-3 Auditing services