Public tenders by CPV "90911000-6 - Accommodation, building and window cleaning services" in the local authority area of Norfolk

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Number of tenders: 2
TitlePublishedContracting authorityLocal authority area
The awarded contract covers window cleaning services for buildings on Campus. The cleaning includes internal and external faces. The buildings on site are varied in design and height, the highest building is 5 stories. There are access restrictions ... 2012-05-18University of East Anglia
Purchasing Office, University of East Anglia, Earlham Road
For the attention of: Claire Hibbert
NR4 7TJ Norwich
Window Cleaning.2012-01-05University of East Anglia
Purchasing Office, University of East Anglia, Earlham Road
For the attention of: Claire Hibbert
NR4 7TJ Norwich