Public tenders by CPV "79341200-8 - Advertising management services" in the local authority area of West Midlands
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Number of tenders: 4
Title | Published | Contracting authority | Country | |
Marketing Birmingham Media Agency 2012-AP-MEDIA-01. | 2012-03-13 | Marketing Birmingham Ltd Ground Floor Baskerville House, Centenary Square, Broad Street For the attention of: Jacqueline Van de Stadt B1 2ND Birmingham UNITED | West Midlands | England |
Providing condition specific patient information is a key element in the overall treatment for patients, it helps not only to re-assure patients but also supports them to manage their own recovery and healing as best as possible. Appropriate patient ... | 2012-03-06 | Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Procurement Department, Devon House. Bordesley Contact point(s): Procurement Department For the attention of: Rishi Thakrar B9 5SS | West Midlands | England |
To procure Commercial Partner(s) to assist Birmingham City Council to exploit its corporate assets to generate sustainable maximised income so that revenue can be used to support corporate activities. Contracts will be awarded for suitable duratons ... | 2011-09-27 | Birmingham City Council, Council House Victoria Square For the attention of: Mrs Manjit Samrai B1 1BB Birmingham UNITED KINGDOM Telephone: +44 1213030349 | West Midlands | England |
Sponsored Patient Information Services and Associated Products. | 2011-07-25 | Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Procurement Department, Devon House, Heartlands Hospital Attn: Rish Thakrar B9 5SS Birmingham UNITED KINGDOM E-mail: | West Midlands | England |