Public tenders by CPV "79341200-8 - Advertising management services" in the local authority area of Greater London

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Number of tenders: 6
Title Published Contracting authority Local authority area Country
The provision of marketing, advertising and print services.2012-03-05The University of West London
Strategic Procurement Department, Walpole House, Ealing
W5 5AA London
UNITED KINGDOMInternet address(es): General address of the contracting
Greater LondonEngland
The City of London is looking for a proactive and innovative provider of both recruitment and public notice advertising services to include copywriting, creative artwork and placing cost effective adverts in line with the city's key aims and ... 2012-02-24City of London Corporation
Guildhall, PO Box 270
For the attention of: Tamara Jaenicke
EC2P 2EJ London
Telephone: +44 2073321420
Greater LondonEngland
Media Planning and Buying Services (Marketing Services).2012-01-25The Carbon Trust
6th Floor, 5 New Street Square
For the attention of: Please include "Provision of Marketing Media Planning and Buying Services to the Carbon Trust" in the subject field of all
Greater LondonEngland
: The provision of advertising and PR Services to Southern Railway and Gatwick Express.2011-10-07Go-Ahead Group Plc
41-45 Blackfriars Road
Contact point(s): Miss Eve McIlvaney
SE1 8PG London
Telephone: +44 7581642122
Greater LondonEngland
Recruitment and public notice advertising.2011-08-08City of London Corporation
PP2P Project, PO Box 270, Guildhall
Attn: Mr. Peter Marsh
EC2P 2EJ London
Tel. +44 2073321328
Greater LondonEngland
Paid Search and Search Engine Optimisation Services.2011-07-04Royal Mail Group Limited
1st Floor, 35-50 Rathbone Place
Contact: Rathbone Place
Attn: David Hovell
W1T 1HQ London
Tel. +44 7894393516
Greater LondonEngland