Public tenders by CPV "79341200-8 - Advertising management services" in England
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Number of tenders: 22
Title | Published | Contracting authority | Country | |
To appoint an advertising agency and media buyer to enhance and develop brand impact and revenue generation advertising potential. | 2011-07-10 | DB Regio Tyne and Wear Ltd. Metro Maintenance Depot, Cheswick Drive, Gosforth, Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne & Wear Attn: Procurement Manager NE3 5DG Newcastle upon | Tyne and Wear | England |
Paid Search and Search Engine Optimisation Services. | 2011-07-04 | Royal Mail Group Limited 1st Floor, 35-50 Rathbone Place Contact: Rathbone Place Attn: David Hovell W1T 1HQ London UNITED KINGDOM Tel. +44 7894393516 E-mail: | Greater London | England |