Public tenders by CPV "71200000-0 - Architectural and related services" in the local authority area of Norfolk
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Number of tenders: 3
Title | Published | Contracting authority | Local authority area | |
Architectural services and lead designer in relation to the design and construction of a new teaching facility at the University of East Anglia. The successful applicant will be required to work as part of a professional services team to be appointed ... | 2012-02-14 | University of East Anglia Purchasing Office, University of East Anglia, Earlham Road For the attention of: Steve Whitehead NR4 7TJ Norwich UNITED KINGDOM | Norfolk England | |
Architectural and related services. Professional services for architectural, structural engineering, mechanical & electrical engineering and quantity surveying. | 2011-10-18 | Borough Council of King's Lynn & West Norfolk King's Court, Chapel Street For the attention of: Pete Mortlock PE30 1EX King's Lynn UNITED KINGDOM | Norfolk England | |
:Architectural services for new teaching facility. | 2011-09-23 | University of East Anglia Estate & Buildings Division, University of East Anglia, Earlham Road For the attention of: Jean Miller NR4 7TJ Norwich UNITED KINGDOM | Norfolk England |