Public tenders by CPV "66512100-3 - Accident insurance services" in the local authority area of Norfolk
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Number of tenders: 3
Title | Published | Contracting authority | Local authority area | |
The contract is for the supply of the following insurance arrangements for 5 years with effect from 1.6.2011:Property - Material Damage, Gross Revenue, Money, All Risks, Theft.Liability - Public Liability, Officials Indemnity, Employers Liability, ... | 2012-10-04 | The Broads Authority Dragonfly House, 2 Gilders Way Contact point(s): Finance For the attention of: Alex Abery NR3 1UB Norwich | Norfolk England | |
Financial and insurance services. Insurance and pension services. Insurance services. Accident insurance services. Norwich City Council is inviting tenders for the provision of a home contents insurance scheme for council tenants for a period of 5 ... | 2011-12-19 | Norwich City Council City Hall Contact point(s): Procurement Service For the attention of: Robin Hare NR2 1NH Norwich | Norfolk England | |
Tenants Contents Insurance Scheme. | 2011-08-08 | Norwich City Council City Hall Contact: Procurement Service Attn: Robin Hare NR2 1NH Norwich | Norfolk England |