Public tenders by CPV "45232332-8 - Ancillary works for telecommunications" in the local authority area of Norfolk

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Number of tenders: 3
TitlePublishedContracting authorityLocal authority area
Government Procurement Service as the Contracting Authority has put in place a Pan Government Framework Agreement for PSN-compliant Connectivity services for use by or on behalf of UK public sector bodies. These bodies include but are not limited to ... 2012-07-12Government Procurement Service
Rosebery Court, St Andrews Business Park
For the attention of: Richard Barnes
NR7 0HS Norwich
Buying Solutions as the Contracting Authority has put in place a Pan Government Framework Agreement for use by UK public sector bodies (identified at VI.2) including but not limited to Central Government Departments and their Agencies, Non ... 2011-08-08Buying Solutions
Rosebery Court, St Andrews Business Park
Attn: Corporate Service Desk
NR7 0HS Norwich
Buying Solutions as the Contracting Authority has put in place a Pan Government framework agreement for use by UK public sector bodies (identified at VI.2) including but not limited to central government departments and their agencies, non ... 2011-07-27Buying Solutions
Rosebery Court, St Andrews Business Park
Attn: Corporate Service Desk
NR7 0HS Norwich