Lambeth Estate Regeneration Programme.
Prior information notice
Section I: Contracting authority
London Borough of Lambeth
8th Floor, Phoenix House, 10 Wandsworth Rd
Contact point(s):
For the attention of: Andrew Sternberg
SW8 2LL London
Telephone: +44 2079263693
Internet address(es):
Address of the buyer profile:
Further information can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Section II.B: Object of the contract (Supplies or services)
NUTS code UKI1
Estimated cost excluding VAT:
Range: between 2 000 000 and 4 000 000 GBP
This contract is divided into lots: yes70111000, 70110000, 71220000, 71410000, 79415200
Information about lots
Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority: Lot No: 1 Lot title: Lambeth Estate Regeneration ProgrammeThe London Borough of Lambeth has recently commenced an ambitious estate regeneration programme to improve the quality of housing across the Borough and to deliver additional new and affordable homes. The Council is soon going to be procuring development management teams to assist the Council to take forward the regeneration of the two largest estates in the programme: Central Hill and Fenwick. We want to establish if there is market interest in our approach to delivering these projects;
- Would you be interested in applying if the service were tendered through OJEU?
- Do you have issues on the specification and design of the service?
- Do you have any other comments or suggestions about our proposed methodology?
Current estates scheduled include the following but additional estates could be added in, in the future.
Estate Existing number of homes
Central Hill - 456
Fenwick - 398
The Council's development strategy for these estates is to directly procure development management teams to take the projects through masterplanning, planning and land assembly (including compulsory purchase, where necessary) in order to keep effective control of the future quality of the estates and the housing therein and to reduce project risk at the delivery stage. Decisions on construction delivery, engaging development partners and the future management of the completed estates will be made by the Council in consultation with the appointed development managers.
The development management teams will be tasked to provide a comprehensive development management service, with the Council as client. Objectives for the development management teams will be:
- to produce a viable and deliverable masterplan;
- to develop a placemaking improvement strategy for the wider area around the estate;
- to formulate a deliverable planning and development strategy for regeneration;
- to work closely and directly with residents throughout the process, in particular in the formulation of design and phasing of projects;
- to take responsibility for maintaining communication with residents on design and phasing development;
- to seek to secure an outline planning consent for the masterplan according to the development strategy and a detailed planning consent for a significant initial phase to enable an early start on site;
- to assist the Council with taking forward a Compulsory Purchase Order, where required;
- to assist the Council with obtaining other statutory consents that will be required; and
- to assist the Council in procuring the construction of the project.
Feasibility work is currently taking place on each of these estates. It is proposed that either the existing design teams will be novated across to the appointed development managers or new design teams will be procured. If new design teams are to be procured then the intention is they would be procured as a sub-consultant to the development manager.
Master-planning work with the procured development management teams will commence during 2016. This could take 9 to 12 months, leading to a planning process and making of CPOs over the ensuring 6 to 9 months. The contracts covering design, outline planning (with detail where appropriate) and land assembly stages could be expected to run for up to 3 years for each project.
Construction delivery will then depend upon the Council's preferred development approach, project phasing and is likely to be specific to each project. Contract value for the masterplanning, planning and land assembly stages could be expected to be around 2 000 000 GBP to 4 000 000 GBP, depending on scale and complexity of each project.
We are currently proposing that there will be a break point in contracts on securing a viable planning permission and confirmation of a compulsory purchase order in case the Council wishes to procure construction delivery by other means.
The development management team will need to work very closely at all times with the Council's own internal team who will be directly working with residents on their future housing circumstances in terms of buying properties from home-owners or arranging equity swaps with home-owners and helping tenants prepare for the future re-housing process.
Indicative timetable (the dates contained within this timetable may change between now and issuing of the tender documents):
Milestone: Date
Issue OJEU Contract Notice (PQQ): 11.12.2015
Closing Date for PQQ Returns: 18.1.016
Issue ITT: 12.2.2016
Closing Date for ITT: 21.3.2016
Interviews: March/April 2016
Contract preliminary award: May 2016
Formal contract award: May/June 2016
If you are interested in tendering for this work then please respond to Julian Hart, Programme Manager, on +44 7799775362 by 17:00 on Friday 11.12.2015
For further information please contact Julian Hart, contact details as above, Neil Vokes, Programme Director, on +44 7958698594 ; or; Bruce McRobie, Interim Development Surveyor, on +44 7801260644
70111000, 70110000, 71220000, 79415200, 71410000
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Section VI: Complementary information