Single Homeless and/or Substance Misuse Services.
Contract award notice
Section I: Contracting authority
Portsmouth City Council
Procurement Service, Floor 4 Core 4, Civic Office, Guildhall Square
Contact point(s): Procurement Service
PO1 2BJ Portsmouth
Telephone: +44 2392688235
E-mail: [email protected]
Internet address(es):
General address of the contracting authority:
Address of the buyer profile:
Electronic access to information:
Section II: Object of the contract
Service category No 25: Health and social services
NUTS code UKJ31
Lot 1. Single Homeless Service.
Single Homeless Supported Housing Service - to prevent issues that may lead to the service users becoming homeless. This will be delivered at a single large property location, with individual single rooms provided for service users to provide shared accommodation. There are 18 service users.
Lot 2. Substance Misuse Services.
This consists of 2 services;
1: Substance Misuse Supported Housing Recovery Service - to help control and prevent issues which may lead to service users with on-going substance misuse issues becoming homeless as a result of their addiction. This will be delivered at a single large property location, with individual single rooms provided for service users to provide shared accommodation. A separate house provides 3 additional units. There are 19 service users, and;
2: Substance Misuse Move-on Recovery Floating Support Service - to help prevent a reoccurance of substance misuse problems which may have led to homelessness in service users within move-on accommodation. This will be delivered at a single large property location, consisting of self-contained flats provided for service users to provide shared accommodation. There are 10 service users.
The contract commenced on 1.10.2013 and will run for an initial term of 3 years but is extendable in increments to be agreed to a total maximum duration of 5 years, subject to performance and agreement of both parties.
The value of the contract is approximately 215 000 GBP per annum making a total maximum contract value of 1 075 000 GBP if the extension options are taken up in full.
85300000, 85311000, 85312500, 85312310, 85323000
Excluding VAT
Section IV: Procedure
1. Quality. Weighting 60
2. Price. Weighting 40
Contract notice
Notice number in the OJEU: 2013/S 97-165597 of 22.5.2013
Section V: Award of contract
Lot title: 1 2Number of offers received by electronic means: 4
Society of St James
Fairways House
SO19 2FB Southampton
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: +44 2380634596
Internet address:
Fax: +44 2380339026
Value: 215 000 GBP
Excluding VAT
If annual or monthly value:
Number of years: 3
Section VI: Complementary information