Catering Contract.
Contract award notice
Section I: Contracting authority
I.1)Name, addresses and contact point(s)
Lady Hawkins' School
Park View, Herefordshire
For the attention of: Kevin Gwynne
HR5 3AR Kington
Telephone: +44 1544230441
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: +44 1544230798
Internet address(es):
Address of the buyer profile:
I.2)Type of the contracting authority
Regional or local authority
I.3)Main activity
I.4)Contract award on behalf of other contracting authorities
The contracting authority is purchasing on behalf of other contracting authorities: no
Section II: Object of the contract
II.1.1)Title attributed to the contract
Catering Contract.
II.1.2)Type of contract and location of works, place of delivery or of performance
Service category No 17: Hotel and restaurant services
Main site or location of works, place of delivery or of performance: Lady Hawkins School Sixth Form.
Service category No 17: Hotel and restaurant services
Main site or location of works, place of delivery or of performance: Lady Hawkins School Sixth Form.
NUTS code UKG11
II.1.3)Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system (DPS)
II.1.4)Short description of the contract or purchase(s)
The Governing Body of Lady Hawkins' School and Sixth Form (LHS) is to invite tenders for the provision of a Catering Service to the School upon the terms and conditions set out in the tender documentation. The Contract will commence on 1st September 2014 and shall be for a period of 3 years with an option to extend at the Governors discretion for 2 x 12 month periods.
The successful Tenderer will also take responsibility for providing meals to local primary schools. Currently an arrangement is in place to provide hot meals to Kington Primary School which is approximately ½ mile from LHS.
From September 2014 the Governments' Universal Free School Meals initiative commences. This may lead to other local schools requiring a service to be provided by the Catering Contractor at LHS.
The successful Tenderer will also take responsibility for providing meals to local primary schools. Currently an arrangement is in place to provide hot meals to Kington Primary School which is approximately ½ mile from LHS.
From September 2014 the Governments' Universal Free School Meals initiative commences. This may lead to other local schools requiring a service to be provided by the Catering Contractor at LHS.
II.1.5)Common procurement vocabulary (CPV)
II.1.6)Information about Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The contract is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): yes
II.2)Total final value of contract(s)
II.2.1)Total final value of contract(s)
Section IV: Procedure
IV.1)Type of procedure
IV.1.1)Type of procedure
IV.2)Award criteria
IV.2.1)Award criteria
The most economically advantageous tender in terms of
1. Non Financial. Weighting 90
2. Financial. Weighting 10
1. Non Financial. Weighting 90
2. Financial. Weighting 10
IV.2.2)Information about electronic auction
IV.3)Administrative information
IV.3.1)File reference number attributed by the contracting authority
IV.3.2)Previous publication(s) concerning the same contract
Contract notice
Notice number in the OJEU: 2014/S 54-090438 of 18.3.2014
Section V: Award of contract
Lot title: Catering ContractV.1)Date of contract award decision:
V.2)Information about offers
Number of offers received: 1
V.3)Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken
Paula Owen
c/o Lady Hawkins School Sixth Form
HR5 3AR Kington
V.4)Information on value of contract
V.5)Information about subcontracting
Section VI: Complementary information
VI.1)Information about European Union funds
VI.2)Additional information:
(MT Ref:135375)
VI.3)Procedures for appeal
VI.3.1)Body responsible for appeal procedures
VI.3.2)Lodging of appeals
VI.3.3)Service from which information about the lodging of appeals may be obtained
VI.4)Date of dispatch of this notice: