Filwood Green Business Park.
Contract award notice
Section I: Contracting authority
Bristol City Council
City Hall, College Green
Contact point(s): Strategic Commissioning & Procurement Services
For the attention of: J. Thompson
BS1 5TR Bristol
Telephone: +44 1173525565
Fax: +44 1179037463
Internet address(es):
General address of the contracting authority:
Address of the buyer profile:
Electronic access to information:
Electronic submission of tenders and requests to participate: - Reqd 1000523Section II: Object of the contract
Design and execution
NUTS code UKK11
45000000, 45210000, 45213000, 45213100, 45213150, 45213250
Excluding VAT
Section IV: Procedure
1. Quality. Weighting 40
2. Price. Weighting 60
Notice on a buyer profile
Notice number in the OJEU: 2013/S 52-085052 of 14.3.2013
Section V: Award of contract
Contract No: 1000724Number of offers received by electronic means: 5
Midas Construction Limited
Midas House, Winterstoke Road
BS3 2LF Bristol
Telephone: +44 1173052100
Fax: +44 1173052101
Value: 9 871 000 GBP
Excluding VAT
If annual or monthly value:
Number of months: 14
Value or proportion of the contract likely to be sub-contracted to third parties:
Not known
Short description of the value/proportion of the contract to be sub-contracted:
Section VI: Complementary information
Reference to project(s) and/or programme(s): The project forms part of the wider regeneration of Filwood by the Housing and Communities Agency (HCA) and Bristol City Council (BCC) to provide residential accommodation and employment opportunities to the local community and will be part funded by the European Regeneration Development Fund (ERDF) and BCC.
The Pre Qualification Questionnaire and other documents can be obtained from, Ref No:Reqd1000523. The applicant should note that the date in IV.3.4 (Noon 12.4.2013) includes the time necessary to open, and complete the online Pre Qualification Questionnaire and to submit any other information via Bristol's E-Tendering system.
To view this notice, please click here:
GO Reference: GO-2014130-PRO-5426153