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Mixed Use Development, Middlehaven Dock, Middlesbrough

Prior information notice


Directive 2004/18/EC

Section I: Contracting authority

I.1)Name, addresses and contact point(s)

The Homes and Communities Agency
St George's House, Kingsway, Team Valley
For the attention of: Martin White
NE11 0NA Gateshead
Telephone: +44 1914977523

Internet address(es):

General address of the contracting authority:

Further information can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)

I.2)Type of the contracting authority
National or federal agency/office
I.3)Main activity
Housing and community amenities
I.4)Contract award on behalf of other contracting authorities
The contracting authority is purchasing on behalf of other contracting authorities: no

Section II.A: Object of the contract (Works)

II.1)Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority:
Mixed Use Development, Middlehaven Dock, Middlesbrough
II.2)Type of contract and location of works
Main site or location of works:
II.3)Information on framework agreement
The notice involves the establishment of a framework agreement: no
II.4)Short description of nature and scope of works
Urban development construction work. Construction work for buildings relating to leisure, sports, culture, lodging and restaurants. Construction work of leisure facilities. Multi-dwelling buildings construction work. Construction work for commercial buildings. The HCA would like to select a development partner (or consortium) for the redevelopment of Middlehaven Dock, Middlehaven, Middlesbrough, in a manner which is consistent with planning policy for the area. The Middlehaven Dock which includes a former marketing suite, Listed Clock Tower, Dock basin and entrance channel to the River Tees, extends to an approximate site area of 20.02 Hectares (Gross) and 8.78 Hectares (Net). The contract will include, inter alia, obtaining planning consent, delivering development on a timely basis and liaising with the HCA and its regeneration partner, Middlesbrough Borough Council. It is the HCA's current intention that either a long leasehold or the freehold interest in the property will be transferred from the date of the contract award. Thus the development partner will be responsible for all costs involved with the management of the property including amongst other aspects, repairs and maintenance, insurance, security. The development partner will be expected to observe the rights of and liaise with, other stakeholders and occupiers in neighbouring properties in accordance with the principles of good estate management. The HCA does not require responses to this Prior Information Notice at this time.
Estimated value excluding VAT:
Range: between 50 000 000 and 225 000 000 GBP


This contract is divided into lots: no
II.5)Common procurement vocabulary (CPV)

45211360, 45212000, 45212100, 45211340, 45213100

II.6)Scheduled date for start of award procedures and duration of the contract
Scheduled date for start of award procedures: 21.3.2014
Scheduled date for
start of works: 25.9.2015
completion of works: 28.9.2030
II.7)Information about Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The contract is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): yes
II.8)Additional information:

Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information

III.1)Conditions relating to the contract
III.1.1)Main financing conditions and payment arrangements and/or reference to the relevant provisions governing them:
Refer to Contract Notice when published.
III.2)Conditions for participation
III.2.1)Information about reserved contracts

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.1)Information about European Union funds
The contract is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
VI.2)Additional information:
All discussions, meetings and communications will be conducted in English.
The contract will be subject to English law. Tenders and all supporting documents must be priced in GBP and all payments under the contract will be made in GBP.
This procurement and award is subject to the transparency arrangements being adopted by the UK Government. These arrangements include the publication of tender documentation issued by the HCA and the contract between the HCA and supplier. Bidders should highlight any areas they consider commercially sensitive in order for the HCA to be able to honour our transparency obligations without undermining the bidders commercial interests.
Candidates are advised that the HCA is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000 ("The Act"). If a candidate considers that any of the information supplied as part of this procurement procedure should not be disclosed because of its commercial sensitivity, confidential or otherwise, they must, when providing this information, clearly identify the specific information they do not wish to be disclosed and clearly specify the reasons for its sensitivity. The HCA shall take such statements into consideration in the event that it receives a request pursuant to the Act which relates to the information provided by the interested party. Please note, it is insufficient to include a statement of confidentiality encompassing all the information provided in the response.
It is anticipated that development will be carried out in a number of phases over some 15 years and that the gross development value of the completed scheme will lie in the range 50 million - 225 million GBP. All dates included in this notice are provisional and potentially subject to revision.

To view this notice, please click here:

GO Reference: GO-2014128-PRO-5420083
VI.3)Information on general regulatory framework
VI.4)Date of dispatch of this notice: