Tactical Hearing Protection System Basic User Capability.
Contract notice
Section I: Contracting authority
Soldier System Programmes, DE&S;
Elm 3C #4325, MOD Abbey Wood
For the attention of: Ann Jenkins
BS348JH Bristol
Telephone: +44 3067932708
E-mail: deslecomrcl-ssp1c@mod.uk
Further information can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Specifications and additional documents (including documents for competitive dialogue and a dynamic purchasing system) can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Section II: Object of the contract
NUTS code UKG21
maximum number of participants to the framework agreement envisaged: 3
Duration of the framework agreement
Duration in years: 4Estimated total value of purchases for the entire duration of the framework agreement
Estimated value excluding VAT:Range: between 1 and 30 000 000 GBP
The system shall be fielded to users in the land environment who require Hearing Protection when conducting annual training and non combat tasks or who are employed on combat duties but are not permanently dedicated to that role. They require interoperability with Communications and limited situational awareness.
These functions are to be provided by a level dependent ear plug.
Description of these options: Options will be sought to extend the contract year on year for a maximum of 3 additional years.
Provisional timetable for recourse to these options:
in months: 48 (from the award of the contract)
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
A full list of the Regulation 23(1) and 23(2) criteria are at http://www.contracts.mod.uk/delta/project/reasonsForExclusion.html#dspr
Candidates will be required to sign a declaration confirming whether they do or do not have any of the listed criteria as part of the pre-qualification process. For candidates who are registered overseas, you will need to declare if you have any offences/misconduct under your own countries laws, where these laws are equivalent to the Regulation 23 lists.Candidates who have been convicted of any of the offences under Article 45(1) are ineligible and will not be selected to bid, unless there are overriding requirements in the general interest for doing so.
Candidates who are guilty of any of the offences, circumstances or misconduct under Article 45(2) may be excluded from being selected to bid at the discretion of the Authority.
(b) The presentation of balance-sheets or extracts from the balance-sheets, where publication of the balance-sheet is required under the law of the country in which the economic operator is established
(c) A statement of the undertaking's overall turnover and, where appropriate, of turnover in the area covered by the contract for a maximum of the last 3 financial years available, depending on the date on which the undertaking was set up or the economic operator started trading, as far as the information on these turnovers is available.
In accordance with the pre qualification questionnaire.
Minimum level(s) of standards possibly required: The Potential Provider's financial ability to meet this requirement will be assessed on a risk basis and the financial information provided by the Potential Provider in response to Part 1 Form D will be evaluated by the Authority. Factors that will be taken into consideration when evaluating financial information include:
a. Turnover
b. Profitability
c. Liquidity and Working Capital
d. Debt
e. Cash Flow
The Authority will also examine the financial health of any holding company or subsidiary of the Potential Provider where it is part of a group.
When assessing the financial health of an organisation the Authority will also take into consideration any Auditor's opinion, for example Qualifications or Emphasis of Matter Statements.
The Authority's opinion may be validated using credit agencies such as Company Watch.
If examination of the financial information exposes the potential for a Potential Provider to experience financial difficulty in performing the contract, then the Authority will determine the level of risk that it is willing to bear in fulfilling the requirement. Evaluation of the financial information will attract a Pass or Fail risk marking.
A low or medium financial risk assessment as evaluated by the Authority.
A high unacceptable level of financial risk as evaluated by the Authority.
(b) a list of the principal deliveries effected or the main services provided in the past three years, with the sums, dates and recipients, whether public or private, involved. Evidence of delivery and services provided shall be given: - where the recipient was a contracting authority, in the form of certificates issued or countersigned by the competent authority, - where the recipient was a private purchaser, by the purchaser's certification or, failing this, simply by a declaration by the economic operator
In accordance with the pre qualification questionnaire
Minimum level(s) of standards possibly required:
The minimum standard is for an economic operator to provide evidence in the form of a brief description of the measures used for ensuring effective quality both in the administration of a project and the delivery of a high standard of development and production of an article of similar nature, scale and complexity to this requirement
Section IV: Procedure
Objective criteria for choosing the limited number of candidates: As referenced in section VI.3
Section VI: Complementary information
The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement, and the contract will be awarded on the basis of the most economically advantageous tender.Suppliers interested in working with the Ministry of Defence should register on the MOD Supplier Information Database (SID) Register, available at www.contracts.mod.uk
The MOD SID is a database of active and potential suppliers available to all MOD and UK Defence procurement personnel, and is the main supplier database of MOD Procurement organisations. Please note: the registration and publication of a company profile on the MOD SID does not mean or imply that the supplier has in any way been vetted or approved by the MOD. Suppliers wishing to compete for advertised MOD contracts must respond to any specific call for competition by submitting a separate expression of interest in accordance with the instructions of the purchasing organisation.Advertising Regime OJEU:- This contract opportunity is published in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU),the MoD Defence Contracts Bulletin and www.contracts.mod.uk
Responses to all questions in Part 1 and Sections 7 and 8 within Part 2 of the PQQ are to be marked on a Pass/Fail basis. Economic Operators that are assessed as having failed any of these will not be invited to tender for this requirement.Questions in section 6 within Part 2 of the PQQ will be assessed using a weighted scoring approach. The maximum score available for all these questions combined is 100. Questions in section 6.1 (Project Related Questions) are worth a maximum of 14 marks each. Questions in section 6.2 (Additional Questions for Technical or Professional Capabilty) are worth a maximum of 7.5 marks each. Responses to these questions will be evaluated in accordance with the following marking scheme:
No Answer - 0 (i.e. 0 % of the available marks)
Poor - 1 (i.e. 20 % of the available marks)
Satisfactory - 2 (i.e. 40 % of the available marks)
Good - 3 (i.e. 60 % of the available marks)
Very Good - 4 (i.e. 80 % of the available marks)
Excellent - 5 (i.e. 100 % of the available marks)
Only suppliers who achieve a score of 50 or more out of 100 for the section 6 questions will be considered to be invited to tender for this requirement. If there are more than 5 economic operators who pass all the PQQ pass/fail questions and achieve a score of 50 or more for section 6 questions then only the 5 economic operators which obtain the highest mark for section 6 questions shall be invited to tender.
Suppliers must read through this set of instructions and follow the process to respond to this opportunity.
The information and/or documents for this opportunity are available on ${procure4londonSiteUrl}.
You must register on this site to respond, if you are already registered you will not need to register again, simply use your existing username and password. Please note there is a password reminder link on the homepage.
Suppliers must log in, go to your Response Manager and add the following Access Code: Q5CK83UZ85.
Please ensure you follow any instruction provided to you here.
The deadline for submitting your response(s) is detailed within this contract notice, you will also have visibility of the deadline date, once you have added the Access code via DCO as the opening and closing date is visible within the opportunity.
Please ensure that you allow yourself plenty of time when responding to this opportunity prior to the closing date and time, especially if you have been asked to upload documents.
If you experience any difficulties please refer to the online Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) or the User Guides or contact the MOD DCO Helpdesk by emailing support@contracts.mod.uk or Telephone +44 8452707099.
GO Reference: GO-2014127-DCB-5417613