Wakefield Property and Facilities Management Project
Prior information notice
Section I: Contracting authority
The Council of the City of Wakefield
County Hall, Bond Street
For the attention of: John Nortcliffe
WF1 2QW Wakefield
Telephone: +44 1924307819
Internet address(es):
General address of the contracting authority: http://www.wakefield.gov.uk
Further information can be obtained from: The Council of the City of Wakefield
Wakefield One, P.O. Box 700, Burton Street
For the attention of: Karen Middlebrook
WF1 2EB Wakefield
Telephone: +44 1924306969
Section II.B: Object of the contract (Supplies or services)
NUTS code UKE4
The Contracting Authority intends to use the competitive dialogue procedure of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006 (as amended) to procure itself a public contract (or contracts) ("the Contract") with a linked framework agreement attached as an additional but secondary and separate component (see below).
The Contract will cover a wide range of services ("the Services") including without limitation the following:
- Building Services;
- Property and Asset Management;
- Facilities Management;
- Catering (primarily school meals);
- Cleaning;
- Miscellaneous building related services;
- Architectural design and related services.
With the exception of Architectural Design Services (and a number of smaller elements of the services provided by contractors), all of the above services are currently provided in-house by the Contracting Authority. The Contracting Authority is seeking innovative, economically efficient and forward-thinking solutions for the delivery of the Services by an economic operator in a way that will maximise the benefits to the Contracting Authority, all service users and the wider community.
Economic Operators shall note that the current main "customers" (other than itself and residents) to which the Contracting Authority provides these Services are schools and educational establishments within its area who are entitled but not required to obtain these Services from the Contracting Authority. It is envisaged that similar arrangements will continue to operate as part of the new contract and further details will be set out in the contract notice and tender documentation.
It is anticipated that services delivered under the Contract will commence on or around 1.7.2015.
It is intended that the Contract will be approximately 10 years in duration, with the possibility that this contract period may be extended by the Contracting Authority and full details of these arrangements will be set out in the contract notice and tender documentation.
The Contracting Authority therefore intends shortly to invite expressions of interest from economic operators in this procurement by placing a contract notice in the Official Journal of the European Union.
The successful tenderer may be required to enter into a joint venture arrangement or a more straightforward contractual arrangement with the Contracting Authority. Full details of the Contracting Authority's requirements will be set out in the contract notice and tender documentation.
The Contracting Authority is also exploring the possibility of establishing a framework so that other contracting authorities such as other local authorities in the Yorkshire and Humber areas and publicly funded schools may call off similar property and facilities management services. Full details of any framework agreement(s) including the identity of any participating authorities will be set out in the contract notice and the tender documentation.
The work set out in this notice has been categorised as services under Service Category 14, but economic operators will note that the Contract will contain some elements of works.
Estimated cost excluding VAT:
Range: between 160 000 000 and 320 000 000 GBP
This contract is divided into lots: no79993000, 79993100, 70330000, 70332200, 71315000, 71317210, 50000000, 50300000, 50710000, 45343000, 45112700, 55500000, 55300000, 90900000, 90911100, 90922000, 90500000, 71314300, 79421000, 72253000, 48331000, 48421000, 48430000, 48445000, 15894210, 55524000, 70100000, 70220000, 70332000, 45259000, 45259300, 50700000, 55320000, 55321000, 55322000, 55330000, 71000000, 71200000, 71210000, 71220000, 71241000, 71242000, 71250000, 71317100, 90911200, 90919000, 90919300, 79710000, 50750000, 79992000, 64112000, 64122000, 98341120
Economic operators shall note that whilst the Contracting Authority seeks to procure a public services contract for the provision of its services, the procurement may also involve the establishment of a framework through which other contracting authorities and schools would have access to the Services (see section II.4 above).
Whilst the Contracting Authority has identified West Yorkshire as the main place of delivery in section II.2, the Contracting Authority anticipates making the services available to local authorities and publicly-funded schools in the Yorkshire and Humber areas (NUTS code UKE). Full details will appear in the contract notice.
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Section VI: Complementary information
The Contracting Authority anticipates that the Acquired Rights Directive as implemented in the United Kingdom by the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006 (TUPE) shall apply to the award of the Contract which may therefore involve a transfer of a significant number of Contracting Authority staff to the new provider.
This notice is intended to notify economic operators of the Contracting Authorities intention to commence the procurement process set out in this notice, and is no guarantee, warranty or assurance that the Contracting Authority will carry out such a process at all or to its completion. The Contracting Authority reserves the right not to pursue this procurement process or award any contract in respect of the Services (or to award contracts in respect of only parts of the Services). This notice is not in itself a call to competition to procure any works, services or supplies for the Contracting Authority and the Contracting Authority is not bound to accept any proposals offered.