GB- Salford: Representation and Analysis services.
Contract notice
Section I: Contracting authority
5th Floor West Ralli Quays, 3 Stanley Street
For the attention of: Debi Barraclough
M60 9LA Salford
Telephone: +44 3000587870
Internet address(es):
General address of the contracting authority:
Electronic access to information:
Electronic submission of tenders and requests to participate:
Further information can be obtained from: HMRC
5th Floor West, Ralli Quays, 3 Stanley Street
For the attention of: Debi Barraclough
M60 9LA Salford
Telephone: +44 3000587870
Specifications and additional documents (including documents for competitive dialogue and a dynamic purchasing system) can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to: The above mentioned contact point(s)
The contracting authority is purchasing on behalf of other contracting authorities: yes
The Home Office
HMRC Ralli Quays, 3 Stanley Street
M60 9LA Salford
Section II: Object of the contract
Service category No 27: Other services
NUTS code UK
HMRC has a requirement for a wide range of analytical and representational services covering an extensive range of products as contained within the UK Integrated tariff.
It is essential that the service provider has a full and comprehensive knowledge of the UK Integrated Tariff and general interpretative rules contained within, on which classification decisions are based.
The service provider would provide:
- analytical services to determine the Tariff classification of goods in accordance with EC regulations,
- the assessment levels of individual components of products, such as tobacco.
- Provision of an analytical and advisory service to inform the classification process.
- Provide expert representation at EU meetings and Courts /Tribunals when required.
The client requires the contractor to provide a suitable, secure location to accept deliveries of items by vehicle and hand for examination. The contractor will have secure storage facilities in addition to laboratory facilities and provide results of forensic examinations by the agreed deadlines including any witness statements required.
71600000, 71610000, 71620000, 71621000
Estimated value excluding VAT:
Range: between 700 000 and 900 000 GBP
Description of these options: The contract period may be extended for a further period of up to 12 months.
The contract is a joint procurement between HMRC and the Home Office, and may be open to other Government Departments.
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
The intention is to award the contract to a single supplier, but exceptionally division into Lots may take place and more than one contractor appointed.
Description of particular conditions: Any contract/framework awarded will be subject to the Authority's Conditions of Contract.
As stated in Section VI.3, HMRC is using an e-sourcing (eTendering) tool or application for this procurement. Tenders will normally not be fully considered or evaluated unless Tenderers have first demonstrated via an online "selection questionnaire” that they have the necessary technical capacity to perform the contract. Actual requirements will vary depending on the particular requirement or contractual opportunity, but, as a minimum, the questionnaire will request the following information: 1) details of the principal business areas(s) in which the company is engaged and its structure, site locations and facilities; 2) evidence of previous relevant experience in the last 3 years, demonstrating capacity and ability to provide the required goods and/or services, inclusive of dates, size/value of contract and customer address/contact names for reference purposes; 3) details of quality systems in place, including (if applicable) details and copy certification relating to formal accreditation held, such as BS, ISO or equivalent; 4) information relating to compliance with Health & Safety, Equalities and Environmental legislation; and 5) a list of professional associations or trade bodies to which the organisation or individuals in the organisation belong. If a company is a subsidiary, a member of a group or a consortium, the above details may also be required in respect of the parent company, other group members or each consortium member as appropriate.
Section IV: Procedure
The most economically advantageous tender in terms of the criteria stated below
1. Cost. Weighting 50
2. Technical Merit: specific. Weighting 25
3. Quality. Weighting 15
4. Technical merit: Strategic Requirements. Weighting 5
5. Technical merit: Security. Weighting 5
Prior information notice
Notice number in the OJEU: 2013/S 224-389974 of 19.11.2013
Additional information about authorised persons and opening procedure: HMRC will be using an e-sourcing (e-tendering) tool/application for this procurement. This prevents any information provided by the applicant or tenderer from being viewed by the Authority until the e-sourcing event is closed. The e-sourcing (e-tendering) application will display the closing date and time for this particular tendering exercise within the event. The close time will be the earliest point at which the HMRC nominated or a tender defined evaluation team member will be able to open and view the tender responses. Therefore, the opening time for tenders will coincide with the close date and time for the event and all tenders will become visible to the HMRC nominated or event defined tender evaluation team in any place that provides access to the e-sourcing tool/application at that time.
Section VI: Complementary information
HMRC is conducting this tendering exercise under the OJEU Open procedure and is using an eSourcing (eTendering) tool or application. ((Information about the e-Sourcing application, and about supplying to HMRC in general, is available on the HMRC website: Economic operators who require access to the online tender documentation must send an email to any time up to, but no later than 12.00 (midday) on 19.2.2014 . This email should contain (a) the contract reference shown in Section IV.3.1 (File Reference), (b) a contact email address; (c) a contact name; and (d) the company name and contact telephone number. Economic operators who have complied with the foregoing will receive details of how to access the online Tender documentation. (If an email response from HMRC is not received within one working day of your request, re-contact (after first checking your spam in-box) notifying non-receipt and confirming when the request was first made). Online Tender documentation must be fully completed (and any requested associated hard-copy documents received by HMRC) no later than 12.00 midday on 26.2.2014. Tender documentation not submitted in the required form (or containing the requested information) may be rejected. (When requesting access to the online Tender documentation, please notify the Authority if you have any accessibility issues (disabilities) which may prevent you from providing a high quality response using the eSourcing application. This will then allow HMRC to agree with you an appropriate format for you to view and respond to the requirements). All communications shall be in English. Tenders, when invited, and all supporting documentation must be priced in Sterling and all payments under the contract will be in Sterling. Any contract or agreement resulting from the Invitation to Tender will be considered as a contract made in England according to English Law and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts. The Awarding Authority does not bind itself to accept any tender and reserves the right to accept any part of the tender unless the tenderer expressly stipulates to the contrary.” The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement, and the contract will be awarded on the basis of the most economically advantageous tender.
To view this notice, please click here:
GO Reference: GO-2014120-PRO-5402053HMRC
5W Ralli Quays
M60 9LA Manchester
Telephone: +44 30005887870
Internet address:
Body responsible for mediation procedures
5W Ralli Quays
M60 9LA Manchester
Telephone: +44 3000587870
Internet address:
See VI.4.2