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Major Aids and Adaptations

Contract award notice


Directive 2004/18/EC

Section I: Contracting authority

I.1)Name, addresses and contact point(s)

Swindon Borough Council
Civic Offices, Euclid Street
For the attention of: Brian Skeffington
SN1 2JH Swindon
Telephone: +44 1793463440

Internet address(es):

General address of the contracting authority:

Electronic access to information:;_id=CONTRACT-SWCE-94NMPR&from;=&login;

I.2)Type of the contracting authority
Regional or local authority
I.3)Main activity
General public services
Housing and community amenities
I.4)Contract award on behalf of other contracting authorities
The contracting authority is purchasing on behalf of other contracting authorities: no

Section II: Object of the contract

II.1.1)Title attributed to the contract
Major Aids and Adaptations
II.1.2)Type of contract and location of works, place of delivery or of performance
Realisation, by whatever means of work, corresponding to the requirements specified by the contracting authorities

NUTS code UKK14

II.1.3)Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system (DPS)
II.1.4)Short description of the contract or purchase(s)
Construction work for houses. Houses construction work. Bathrooms construction work. Construction work. Building construction work. Construction work for buildings relating to education and research. Construction work for multi-dwelling buildings and individual houses. Construction work for commercial buildings, warehouses and industrial buildings, buildings relating to transport. Construction work for buildings relating to health and social services, for crematoriums and public conveniences. Construction work for buildings relating to leisure, sports, culture, lodging and restaurants. Electrical wiring and fitting work. Swindon Borough Council is seeking a suitably qualified and experienced contractor to undertake adaptations to an estimated 100 dwellings per annum out of the existing residential housing stock of approximately 10,500 properties and may also cover properties managed by Swindon Borough Council on behalf of others including public buildings - all situated within the Borough of Swindon. Following referrals, the contractor will be required to undertake adaptations such as:
- level entry showers,
- overbath showers,
- ramps (including temporary ramps) / steps / platforms / handrails,
- automatic showertoilets,
- kitchen and bathroom adaptations,
- other welfare adaptations,
- doors / windows adaptations including structural and associated electrical alterations.
The contractor will be required to price for composite rates for the above and also a schedule of rates for items not covered by the composite rate including day rates.

Pre-Qualification documents can be downloaded from the Supplying The South West portal at the following URL:;_id=CONTRACT-SWCE-94NMPR&from;=&login;

II.1.5)Common procurement vocabulary (CPV)

45211100, 45211300, 45211310, 45000000, 45210000, 45214000, 45211000, 45213000, 45215000, 45212000, 45311000

II.1.6)Information about Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The contract is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): no
II.2)Total final value of contract(s)
II.2.1)Total final value of contract(s)
Value: 4 778 238 GBP
Excluding VAT

Section IV: Procedure

IV.1)Type of procedure
IV.1.1)Type of procedure
IV.2)Award criteria
IV.2.1)Award criteria
The most economically advantageous tender in terms of
1. Price. Weighting 70
2. Quality. Weighting 30
IV.2.2)Information about electronic auction
An electronic auction has been used: no
IV.3)Administrative information
IV.3.1)File reference number attributed by the contracting authority
IV.3.2)Previous publication(s) concerning the same contract

Section V: Award of contract

V.1)Date of contract award decision:
V.2)Information about offers
Number of offers received: 8
Number of offers received by electronic means: 0
V.3)Name and address of economic operator in favour of whom the contract award decision has been taken

NKS Contracts (Central) Ltd
Unit 1/3 The Apple Store, Far Peak, Northleach
GL54 3LJ Cheltenham
Telephone: +44 1451861155
Internet address:

V.4)Information on value of contract
Total final value of the contract:
Value: 4 778 235 GBP
Excluding VAT
If annual or monthly value:
Number of years: 7
V.5)Information about subcontracting
The contract is likely to be sub-contracted: no

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.1)Information about European Union funds
The contract is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
VI.2)Additional information:
The contracting authority considers that this contract may be suitable for economic operators that are small or medium enterprises (SMEs). However, any selection of tenderers will be based solely on the criteria set out for the procurement, and the contract will be awarded on the basis of the most economically advantageous tender.
To view this notice, please click here:

GO Reference: GO-20131220-PRO-5349677
VI.3)Procedures for appeal
VI.3.1)Body responsible for appeal procedures
VI.3.2)Lodging of appeals
Precise information on deadline(s) for lodging appeals: This authority will incorporate a minimum 10 calendar day standstill period at the point information on the award of the contract is communicated to tenderers.
VI.3.3)Service from which information about the lodging of appeals may be obtained
VI.4)Date of dispatch of this notice: