Development of the Chapel Riverside Site.
Contract notice
Section I: Contracting authority
Southampton City Council
Procurement Services, 1st floor One Guildhall Square
Contact point(s):
For the attention of: Adam Hall
SO14 7FP Southampton
Telephone: +44 2830834880
Internet address(es):
General address of the contracting authority:
Further information can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Specifications and additional documents (including documents for competitive dialogue and a dynamic purchasing system) can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Public order and safety
Housing and community amenities
Social protection
Recreation, culture and religion
Section II: Object of the contract
Design and execution
Main site or location of works, place of delivery or of performance: UK-Southampton.
NUTS code UK
Estimated total value of purchases for the entire duration of the framework agreement
Estimated value excluding VAT:Range: between 30 000 000 and 50 000 000 GBP
Interested parties must register with SCC's eSourcing portal and express an interest in the project. SCC's eSourcing portal will be used for the administration of this procurement process details of which are set out in VI.3.
All figures contained within this notice are estimates only and will be subject to the outcome of the procurement.
Further information regarding this development opportunity is available at the following website
45211360, 45212000, 45242000, 45243300, 79342000, 70110000, 45111000, 45244000, 71313400, 45111291, 45211000, 71351914, 45110000
Range: between 30 000 000 and 50 000 000 GBP
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
If the contract is awarded to a consortium, joint venture or alliance, applicants will be required to contract with joint and several liability under English Law and either nominate a prime contractor with whom the contracting authority can contract and to whom all communication will be addressed or to form themselves into a single legal entity before the contract is awarded.
Description of particular conditions: When executing the contract in the UK the successful tenderer will be required to comply with the recommendations of the code of practice for the elimination of Racial Discrimination and the promotion of Equality of Opportunity in Employment published by the Commission for Racial Equality.
The successful tenderer will be required to participate actively in the economic, social and environmental regeneration of the locality of and surrounding the place of delivery for the procurement. Accordingly, tender evaluation and contract performance conditions may relate in particular to social, economic and environmental considerations.
Minimum level(s) of standards possibly required: As set out in the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire.
As set out in the Pre- Qualification Questionnaire.
Minimum level(s) of standards possibly required:
As set out in the Pre-Qualification Questionnaire.
Section IV: Procedure
Objective criteria for choosing the limited number of candidates: As set out in the pre-qualification questionnaire (PQQ).
Section VI: Complementary information
Southampton City Council shall not be responsible for any costs, charges or expenses incurred by applicants or tenderers and accepts no liability for any costs, charges or expenses, irrespective of the outcome of the competition, or if the competition is cancelled or postponed.
Southampton City Council reserves the right not to award all or any part of this contract.
All dates and time periods specified in this notice are only provisional and Southampton City Council reserves the right to change these.
Whilst every effort has been made to consider the full scope of the requirement, SCC does not guarantee the volume of supplies/services/works required resulting from this tender or that it will accept any tender on completion of the tender exercise.
SCC reserves the right not to award all or any part of this contract.
All dates and time periods specified in this notice are only provisional and SCC reserves the right to amend at its sole discretion.
When executing the contract within the United Kingdom, the successful supplier will be required to comply with the recommendations of the Code of Practice for Employment, published by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission.
When executing the contract within the United Kingdom, the successful supplier will be required to comply with the recommendations of the Code of Practice for Employment, published by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission. The suppliers will also be required to comply with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010.
Further information on SCC's requirements on the aforementioned will be included in the invitation to tender documents.
The Contracting Authority may be subject to governmental codes of practice or guidance relating to a transparency agenda, including the policy of publishing contracts and all other documents relating to public procurement activity, e.g. The Code of Recommended Practice for Local Authorities on Data Transparency (September 2011).
Accordingly, and notwithstanding any other provision within this notice, it should be noted that the Contracting Authority will publish any documents relating to the procurement and subsequent contract award resulting from this notice (but with any information which is exempt from disclosure in accordance with the provisions of the FOIA redacted) in accordance with the aforementioned transparency agenda.
Expressions of interest must be by way of completion and return of a PQQ and an outline solution in response to the ISOS (in accordance with the instructions and requirements set out in the PQQ and associated tender documents) by the date and time specified in Section IV.3.4.
SCC reserves the right not to accept Variant Bids at the invitation to negotiate stage.