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Breckland LABV.

Contract notice


Directive 2004/18/EC

Section I: Contracting authority

I.1)Name, addresses and contact point(s)

Breckland Council
Elizabeth House, Walpole Loke
Contact point(s): LABV Project Team
For the attention of: Steve Udberg
NR19 1EE Dereham

Internet address(es):

General address of the contracting authority:

Address of the buyer profile:

Further information can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)

Specifications and additional documents (including documents for competitive dialogue and a dynamic purchasing system) can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)

Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to: The above mentioned contact point(s)

I.2)Type of the contracting authority
Regional or local authority
I.3)Main activity
General public services
Economic and financial affairs
Housing and community amenities
Social protection
Recreation, culture and religion
I.4)Contract award on behalf of other contracting authorities
The contracting authority is purchasing on behalf of other contracting authorities: no

Section II: Object of the contract

II.1.1)Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority:
Breckland LABV.
II.1.2)Type of contract and location of works, place of delivery or of performance
Service category No 12: Architectural services; engineering services and integrated engineering services; urban planning and landscape engineering services; related scientific and technical consulting services; technical testing and analysis services
Main site or location of works, place of delivery or of performance: Breckland District, Norfolk.

NUTS code UKH13

II.1.3)Information about a public contract, a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system (DPS)
The notice involves a public contract
II.1.4)Information on framework agreement
II.1.5)Short description of the contract or purchase(s)
Development services of real estate. Real estate services. Development consultancy services. Urban planning services. Development of residential real estate. Development of non-residential real estate. Property management services of real estate on a fee or contract basis. Architectural, construction, engineering and inspection services. Residential property services. Non-residential property services. Land management services. Commercial property management services. Industrial property services. Residential property renting or leasing services. Building rental or sale services. Consultative engineering and construction services. Building consultancy services. Building services consultancy services. Building surveying services. Urban environmental development planning. Environmental issues consultancy services. Environmental engineering consultancy services. Environmental impact assessment for construction. Environmental standards for construction. Architectural and related services. Architectural services for outdoor areas. Landscape architectural services. Landscaping work. Landscaping work for green areas. Landscaping work for parks. Construction supervision services. Construction-site supervision services. Construction-related services. Business and management consultancy and related services. Business and management consultancy services. General management consultancy services. Business-development consultancy services. Financial management consultancy services. Procurement consultancy services. Banking and investment services. Portfolio management services. Houses construction work. Multi-dwelling buildings construction work. Flats construction work. Multi-functional buildings construction work. Urban development construction work. Construction work of leisure facilities. Cinema construction work. Construction work for sports facilities. Ice rink construction work. Construction work for swimming pool. Stadium construction work. Recreation centre construction work. Construction work for art and cultural buildings. Construction work for commercial buildings. Hotel construction work. Shop buildings construction work. Shopping centre construction work. Office block construction work. Parking lot construction work. Underground car park construction work. Park-and-ride facility construction work. Pedestrian zone construction work. Parks maintenance services. Grounds maintenance services. Sports fields maintenance services. Recreational-area services. Road-maintenance works. Construction work for kindergarten buildings. Construction work for school buildings. Primary school construction work. Secondary school construction work. Special school construction work. Museum construction work. Library construction work. Adult and other education services. Energy management services. Energy-efficiency consultancy services. Electricity distribution and related services.
Breckland Council (the Council) is seeking a private sector partner (PSP) to help deliver the Council"s strategic aims and objectives for regeneration (the Council"s strategic regeneration objectives) referred to in the accompanying memorandum of information which is available to download from the In-Tend e-tendering portal. The opportunity is a major regeneration and development project to deliver new (or improvements to) housing and residential accommodation; office and business developments; retail and leisure developments, hotel developments; car parking; infrastructure; community facilities; and public spaces (and incidental or related works to these developments and associated public infrastructure). As part of this project the Council is seeking a partner to deliver, among other schemes, a mixed-use development known as Riverside in Thetford. This project is considered strategically important to the Council in catalysing the regeneration of Thetford town centre and should be prioritised for delivery. Specific details of this scheme are set out in the memorandum of information.
In order to deliver certain aspects of the Council"s Strategic Regeneration Objectives, a corporate joint venture (expected to be a Local Asset Backed Vehicle) (the LABV) will be established for a term of approximately 15 years (with the option to extend up to a further 5 years). The Council and the successful PSP will each invest in and hold a 50% interest in the delivery vehicle. The value of the Council"s interest is expected to be based on the value of the assets it commits to the LABV and it is expected that the PSP will invest by including cash, assets, services or other approaches to financing and share returns from the developments and services with the Council. The opportunity will focus on the development of a number of key sites in Breckland (A Sites). The details of A Sites and anticipated development phases where known, are provided in the memorandum of information. The PSP (through the LABV) may also be given the opportunity to develop other sites (B Sites) to further the Council"s wider strategic regeneration objectives to deliver projects that will provide new commercial floor space, affordable homes and homes for sale and new and refurbished employment floor space. The Council is seeking a partner that will optimise the potential of each site within the context of the planned growth of the area, the planned and committed investment in infrastructure (such as the dualing of the A11) and the changing habits of business and communities during the life of the LABV. Further details of these sites are also provided in the memorandum of information.
The LABV will undertake development activity and provide services to the Council in line with the Council"s key objectives. These services may include, but not be limited to, master planning; strategic development consultancy advice; environmental consultancy advice; technical and building services; architectural design; urban design and landscaping; physical construction and development; refurbishment of assets, infrastructure; marketing and disposal of development assets; incidental generation, sale and distribution of energy and potentially land assembly. Further details are contained in the memorandum of information. The LABV may consider it appropriate for a third party partner to take an investment stake in a specific development. It is not envisaged that this would change the amount of Council and PSP equity or the proportions in which equity is held (50/50) in the LABV, but that the LABV may share the profits and/or equity in the relevant development subsidiary (and any returns made from the developments) with the third party partner on a site specific basis, as agreed between the LABV and the third party partner.
In summary the co-investor partner will be required to;
- Work closely with the Council as co-investors to plan and deliver the development and regeneration of the identified sites throughout the lifetime of the LABV based on a series of 5 year delivery plans.
- Commit to delivering a range of residential and employment sites within the initial 5 year LABV delivery plan of which the Riverside site in Thetford is a priority scheme.
- Take advantage of strengthening market conditions to deliver individual projects and seek to create a balance of housing, commercial and employment uses as well as recognising the importance of balancing investment across the 5 towns and outlying locations.
This contract notice should be read in conjunction with the accompanying memorandum of information, which provides further detail to interested parties on the context of the offer being made by the Council and what the Council expects to achieve.
II.1.6)Common procurement vocabulary (CPV)

70110000, 45214230, 71315210, 70332200, 71313000, 45233141, 70111000, 45214300, 79411000, 71314300, 71313400, 45212211, 45112700, 45212411, 71315300, 45223300, 70112000, 45233262, 71420000, 45214100, 70332000, 79412000, 77320000, 65300000, 45211350, 71500000, 71222000, 66100000, 71000000, 45212224, 45211341, 73220000, 45223320, 79400000, 45214210, 90712100, 45211340, 71410000, 45214320, 45212313, 77313000, 92330000, 70330000, 45212330, 79410000, 45212100, 45212212, 45223310, 80400000, 45212150, 45212300, 71313420, 70310000, 45112711, 45212172, 71520000, 45214200, 45213111, 45213100, 45213110, 45214310, 45214220, 45211300, 45213150, 71310000, 70000000, 45112710, 70210000, 45214500, 71200000, 45212200, 70332300, 71521000, 77314000, 90713000, 71314200, 45211360, 70331000, 66140000, 79411100, 79418000, 71315200, 70332100

II.1.7)Information about Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The contract is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): yes
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.1.9)Information about variants
Variants will be accepted: yes
II.2)Quantity or scope of the contract
II.2.1)Total quantity or scope:
The net development value is estimated to be in the region of 40 000 000 GBP for the first phase of delivery, to be delivered within the first five years. The overall net development value is estimated to be in the region of 400 000 000 GDP for the initial term (15 years). It is difficult to project potential returns as this depend on many commercial factors including but not limited to the performance of the developer and market conditions. Bidders should seek independent legal and commercial advice in relation to the potential value of the opportunity of the scheme as a whole. The estimated value range figures given below are in relation to the value of developed assets.
Estimated value excluding VAT:
Range: between 400 000 000 and 450 000 000 GBP
II.2.2)Information about options
Options: yes
Description of these options: The contract between the Private Sector Partner and the contracting authority will be for an initial term of 15 years with an option to extend (exercisable during the initial term) up to a further 5 years. The maximum duration of the contract is set out in section II.3).
II.2.3)Information about renewals
This contract is subject to renewal: yes
II.3)Duration of the contract or time limit for completion
Duration in months: 240 (from the award of the contract)

Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information

III.1)Conditions relating to the contract
III.1.1)Deposits and guarantees required:
The contracting authority reserves the right to require deposits, guarantees, bonds or other forms of appropriate security. Further information will be provided in the procurement documentation.
III.1.2)Main financing conditions and payment arrangements and/or reference to the relevant provisions governing them:
Details will be set out in the invitation to submit detailed solutions (ISDS) and/or the contractual documentation to accompany the ISDS and will be developed throughout the competitive dialogue procedure.
III.1.3)Legal form to be taken by the group of economic operators to whom the contract is to be awarded:
Expressions of interest in response to this contract notice may be submitted by a single Bidder or a consortium. The contracting authority reserves the right to require groupings of contractors to take a particular legal form or to require a single contractor to take primary liability or to require that each party undertakes joint and several liability.
III.1.4)Other particular conditions
The performance of the contract is subject to particular conditions: yes
Description of particular conditions: The PSP may be required to actively participate in the achievement of social and/or environmental policy objectives relating to recruitment and training and supply-chain initiatives. The PSP is also required to work towards delivering the Council?s strategic aims and objectives for regeneration as described in the memorandum of information. Accordingly contract performance conditions may relate in particular to social and environmental considerations.
III.2)Conditions for participation
III.2.1)Personal situation of economic operators, including requirements relating to enrolment on professional or trade registers
Information and formalities necessary for evaluating if the requirements are met: In accordance with Articles 45 to 50 of Directive 2004/18/EC and Regulations 23 to 25 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006 and as set out in the pre-qualification questionnaire return and accompanying guidance notes which are available from the In-Tend e-tendering portal specified in section I.1).
III.2.2)Economic and financial ability
Information and formalities necessary for evaluating if the requirements are met: In accordance with Article 46 of the Directive 2004/18/EC and Regulation 24 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006 and as set out in the pre-qualification questionnaire return and accompanying guidance notes which are available from the In-Tend e-tendering portal specified in section I.1).
Minimum level(s) of standards possibly required: As set out in the prequalification questionnaire return and accompanying guidance notes which are available from the In-Tend e-tendering portal specified in section I.1).
III.2.3)Technical capacity
Information and formalities necessary for evaluating if the requirements are met:
In accordance with Articles 48 to 50 of Directive 2004/18/EC and Regulation 25 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006 and as set out in the prequalification questionnaire return and accompanying guidance notes which are available from the In-Tend e-tendering portal specified in section I.1).
Minimum level(s) of standards possibly required:
As set out in the prequalification questionnaire return and accompanying guidance notes which are available from the In-Tend e-tendering portal specified in section I.1).
III.2.4)Information about reserved contracts
III.3)Conditions specific to services contracts
III.3.1)Information about a particular profession
Execution of the service is reserved to a particular profession: no
III.3.2)Staff responsible for the execution of the service
Legal persons should indicate the names and professional qualifications of the staff responsible for the execution of the service: yes

Section IV: Procedure

IV.1)Type of procedure
IV.1.1)Type of procedure
competitive dialogue
IV.1.2)Limitations on the number of operators who will be invited to tender or to participate
Envisaged minimum number 3
Objective criteria for choosing the limited number of candidates: As set out in the pre-qualification questionnaire return and accompanying guidance notes which are available from the In-Tend e-tendering portal specified in section I.1).
IV.1.3)Reduction of the number of operators during the negotiation or dialogue
Recourse to staged procedure to gradually reduce the number of solutions to be discussed or tenders to be negotiated yes
IV.2)Award criteria
IV.2.1)Award criteria
The most economically advantageous tender in terms of the criteria stated in the specifications, in the invitation to tender or to negotiate or in the descriptive document
IV.2.2)Information about electronic auction
An electronic auction will be used: no
IV.3)Administrative information
IV.3.1)File reference number attributed by the contracting authority:
IV.3.2)Previous publication(s) concerning the same contract

Prior information notice

Notice number in the OJEU: 2013/S 201-347985 of 16.10.2013

IV.3.3)Conditions for obtaining specifications and additional documents or descriptive document
Time limit for receipt of requests for documents or for accessing documents: 25.11.2013
Payable documents: no
IV.3.4)Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
IV.3.5)Date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates
IV.3.6)Language(s) in which tenders or requests to participate may be drawn up
IV.3.7)Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender
IV.3.8)Conditions for opening of tenders

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.1)Information about recurrence
This is a recurrent procurement: no
VI.2)Information about European Union funds
The contract is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
VI.3)Additional information
Section I.1) Additional types of contracting authority: national agency/ office, body governed by public law.
Section II.1.2) (c) Additional service categories: 11 (general consultancy), 12 (technical and engineering services), the opportunity also include works opportunities.
Section II.1.5) List and addresses of sites (further details provided in accompanying memorandum of information and appendices):
A-Sites: Haverscroft Industrial Estate and London Road Attleborough, Old and New Maltings Raymond St Thetford, Bridge Street (Riverside)Thetford, Burghwood Drive Mileham, Gaymer Close Banham, Chapel Street Shipdham, Wellingham Road Litcham, Powell Close Kenninghall, Chapel Road Attleborough, Old Becclesgate Breckland Business Centre Guildhall Dereham, Cowper Road Georges Road Dereham, Elizabeth House Walpole Loke Dereham, Cherry Tree Theatre Street Dereham, Turbine Way Swaffham, Station Yard Swaffham, Theatre Street Swaffham, Breckland Business Centre St Nicholas St Thetford, Minstergate Thetford, Rutherford Way / Fison Way Thetford, The Link Thetford, School Lane Tanner Street Thetford, White Hart Street Thetford, Raymond Street Cage Lane Thetford, Norwich Road Kittell Close Watton, Whissonsett Road Colkirk, Back Street Garboldisham, Hern Lane Beeston, Lubeck Road Kings Lynn.
B-Sites: Russett Close Attleborough, Halford Road Attleborough, Knevet Close Attleborough, Atling Way Plassat Drive Attleborough, New Road Attleborough, Yew Tree Road Attleborough, St Edmund Close Attleborough, Maurice Gaymer Industrial Estate Attleborough, Horsepit Attleborough, Queens Square Attleborough, Edenside Attleborough, Girling Road Dereham, Eaton Gardens Dereham, South Green Gardens Dereham, Oakwood Road Dereham, Colin McClean Road Dereham, Girling Road Dereham, Elizabeth Close Dereham, Middlemarch Road Farmway Dereham, Dale Road Dereham, Gilpins Ride Dereham, Sardis Way Dereham, Bertie Ward Way Dereham, High Street Dereham, Ormesby Drive Swaffham, Brancaster Way Swaffham, Rockland Close Swaffham, Wolfeton Drive Swaffham, The Paddocks Swaffham, Lynn Street Swaffham, Market Place Peddlars London Street Swaffham, Grenville Way Thetford, Ben Culey Drive Thetford, Tennyson Way Woodlands Drive Burns Close Masefield Walk Thetford, Churchill Road Thetford, Glebe Close Thetford, Fairfields Thetford, Audley Court Lodge Way Roman Way Thetford, Pine Close Thetford, Telford Way Thetford, Pike Lane Thetford, Brunel Way Thetford, St Helens Way Leyland Close Howlett Way St Helens Court Thetford, Caxton Way Thetford, 15 Earl Street Thetford, Bury Road Thetford, St Giles Lane Thetford, Castle Street Thetford, Cluniac Thetford, John Room House London Road Thetford, Langmere Road Watton, Long Bridle Road Bridle Road Watton, Mill Road Heron Way Watton, Jubilee Road Watton, Lovell Gardens Watton, Breckland Court Threxton Road Watton, Thetford Road Watton, High Street Watton, Bridge Street Guist, School Road Thompson, Middleton Avenue Swanton Morley, Tottington Road Thompson, Rougholme Close Gressenhall, Church Close Whissonsett, Dereham Road Garvestone, Festival Way Billingford, Swaffham Road Ashill, Priory Drove Great Cressingham, The Park West Harling Road Grigsons Wood East Harling, Heath Road Elsing, Mattishall Lane Hockering, Yew Tree Court Hockering, Oxwick Road Horningtoft, Pilgrims Way Little Cressingham, Necton Road Little Dunham, Chapel Road Longham Daffodil Way Mattishall, Pear Tree Close Mattishall, Westfields Narborough, Elizabeth Drive Jubilee Way Necton, Folly View Necton, St Johns Close Oxborough, Wayland Road Rocklands, Norman Close Scarning, Allwood Avenue Scarning, Park Estate Shipdham, Newfields Sporle, The Close Stow Bedon, Middleton Avenue Swanton Morley, Middleton Avenue Gray Drive Thompson Close Swanton Morley, School Road Thompson, School Road Weasenham St Peter, Angerstein Close Weeting, Jubilee Close Weeting, All Saints Weeting, Barnham Broom Barnham Broom, Mundford Road Thetford.
Land not owned by Breckland Council: Chapel Road Attleborough, George Road Cowper Road Dereham, Walpole Loke Hurn Road Dereham, Theatre Street Dereham, Turbine Way Swaffham, Rutherford Way Thetford, Tanner St Riverside Walk Thetford, Cadman Way Kittle Close Watton, Pine Close Fulmerston Road Thetford, Telford Way Thetford.
Section II.1.9) The Council intends to invite variants as part of the competition, and details will be provided to bidders invited to submit outline solutions. Variants will be accepted in addition to a compliant standard bid (as will be set out in the descriptive document to be issued to qualifying applicants as part of the authority"s Invitation to Submit Outline Solutions (ISOS)), provided the contracting authority"s core requirements are met and provided they are in accordance with the ISOS.
Sections II.2.2) and II.3) The contract between the private sector partner and the contracting authority will be for an initial period of 15 years with an option to extend for a further 5 years (such option being exercisable during the initial term). The life of the joint venture between the Council and the private sector partner will be an initial term of 15 years with an option to extend up to a further 5 years and is intended to be a long-term arrangement.
Section IV.3.3) The pre-qualification questionnaire, accompanying guidance note, memorandum of information and other documents and appendices are available electronically from the In-Tend e-tendering portal (the address specified in Section I.1) from the date of dispatch of this notice to 25 November 2013. Suppliers must follow the instructions below to respond to this opportunity.
Suppliers must register (free of charge) on this site. If you are already registered you will not need to register again, simply use your existing username and password. Please note there is a password reminder link on the homepage. Suppliers must log in, go to "Current Tenders" and "express an interest". The Tender will then move to the "My Tenders" section. From here after selecting "View Details" more options become available, including viewing and downloading documents. Please ensure you follow any instruction provided to you on the portal and help and guidance notes provided on the help pages.

Formal expressions of interest must be by way of completion and return of the pre-qualification questionnaire return (in accordance with the requirements set out in the pre-qualification questionnaire and accompanying guidance notes) by the date and time specified in Section IV.3.4). Please ensure that you allow yourself plenty of time when responding to this invite prior to the closing date and time, especially if you have been asked to upload documents. If you experience any technical difficulties please contact the In-Tend Support team at or call 0844 272 8810 / + 44 (0) 1709 331075. If there are any other queries with the use of In-Tend please contact Jessica Woodhouse in the LABV Project Team at or 01362 636388.

It is anticipated that an Invitation to Submit Outline Solutions will be sent to short-listed bidders during December 2013.
Section IV.3.4) Formal expressions of interest must be by way of completion and return of the pre-qualification questionnaire return (in accordance with the requirements set out in the pre-qualification questionnaire and accompanying guidance notes) by the date and time specified in Section IV.3.4).
The contracting authority reserves the right not to award the opportunity or to award only part (or a different arrangement) of the opportunity described in this contract notice. The contracting authority also reserves the right to ask its Private Sector Partner or LABV to provide services which are a repetition of the services pursuant to the Public Contracts Regulations 2006, Regulation 14(5).
Supplier Open Day - an open day for suppliers will be held on 6 November 2013. The open day is optional and open to any and all potential applicants interested in this opportunity. An invitation to the supplier open day is available to download from the In-Tend e-tendering portal with details of the venue, time and format. Attendance at the open day must be confirmed in advance by 17:00 on 1 November 2013 by submitting a message through the In-Tend e-tendering portal.
VI.4)Procedures for appeal
VI.4.1)Body responsible for appeal procedures

Solicitor to the Council, Breckland Council
Elizabeth House
NR19 1EE Dereham
Telephone: +44 1362656870
Internet address:

VI.4.2)Lodging of appeals
Precise information on deadline(s) for lodging appeals: In accordance with Regulation 32 (Information about contract award procedures). Regulation 32A (standstill period), Regulation 47 and Regulations 47D to 47N (inclusive) of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006 (as amended).
The contracting authority will incorporate a standstill period at the point of information on the award of the contract is communicated to bidders. That notification will provide full information on the award decision. The standstill period, which will be for a minimum of 10 calendar days, provides time for unsuccessful bidders to challenge the award decision before the contract is entered into.
VI.4.3)Service from which information about the lodging of appeals may be obtained

Solicitor to the Council, Breckland Council
Elizabeth House
NR19 1EE Dereham
Telephone: +44 1362656870
Internet address:

VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice: