Breckland LABV
Prior information notice
Section I: Contracting authority
Breckland Council
Elizabeth House, Walpole Loke
Contact point(s): LABV Project Team
For the attention of: Ralph Burton
NR19 1EE Dereham
Internet address(es):
General address of the contracting authority:
Address of the buyer profile:
Further information can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Economic and financial affairs
Housing and community amenities
Social protection
Recreation, culture and religion
Section II.B: Object of the contract (Supplies or services)
Breckland district, Norfolk.
NUTS code UKH13
In order to deliver certain aspects of the Council"s Strategic Regeneration Objectives, a corporate joint venture (expected to be a Local Asset Backed Vehicle (?the LABV?) will be established for a term of approximately 15 years (with the option to extend up to a further 5 years). The Council and the successful PSP will each invest in and hold a 50% interest in the delivery vehicle. The value of the Council"s interest is expected to be based on the value of the assets it commits to the LABV and it is expected that the PSP will invest through cash, assets, services or by other approaches to financing, and share returns from the developments and services with the Council. The opportunity will focus in the development of a number of key sites in the Breckland district of Norfolk and surrounding area (?A Sites?). The details of A Sites and anticipated development phases where known, will be provided in a memorandum of information. The PSP (through the LABV) may also be given the opportunity to develop other sites (B Sites) to further the Council"s wider strategic regeneration objectives. Further details of these sites will also be provided in the memorandum of information.
The LABV will undertake development activity and provide services to the Council in line with the Council"s key objectives, including (but not limited to) master planning; strategic development consultancy advice; environmental consultancy advice; technical and building services; architectural design; urban design and landscaping; physical construction and development; refurbishment of assets, infrastructure; marketing and disposal of development assets; incidental generation, sale and distribution of energy and potentially land assembly. Further details will be contained in the memorandum of information. The LABV may consider it appropriate for a third party partner to take an investment stake in a specific development. It is not envisaged that this would change the amount of Council and PSP equity or the proportions in which equity is held (50/50) in the LABV, but that the LABV may share the profits and/or equity in the relevant development subsidiary (and any returns made from the developments) with the third party partner on a site specific basis, as agreed between the LABV and the third party partner.
This contract is divided into lots: no70110000, 45214230, 71315210, 70332200, 71313000, 45233141, 70111000, 45214300, 79411000, 71314300, 45212200, 45212211, 45112700, 45212411, 71315300, 45223300, 45233262, 71420000, 70332000, 79412000, 77320000, 71313400, 65300000, 45211350, 77314000, 71500000, 71222000, 66100000, 71000000, 45212224, 45211341, 73220000, 45223320, 79400000, 45214210, 70331000, 90712100, 45211340, 71410000, 45214320, 45212313, 77313000, 92330000, 70330000, 45212330, 79410000, 45212100, 45212212, 45223310, 80400000, 45212150, 45212300, 71313420, 70310000, 45112711, 45212172, 71520000, 45214200, 45213111, 45213100, 45213110, 45214310, 45214220, 45211300, 45213150, 71310000, 70000000, 45112710, 70210000, 45214500, 71200000, 70332300, 71521000, 70112000, 90713000, 71314200, 45211360, 45214100, 66140000, 79411100, 79418000, 71315200, 70332100
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Section VI: Complementary information