Outsourced facilities management services.
Contract notice
Section I: Contracting authority
Post Office Limited
148 Old Street
Contact point(s): David McKilligan
EC1V 9HQ London
Telephone: +44 2072502265
Internet address(es):
General address of the contracting authority: http://www.postoffice.co.uk
Address of the buyer profile: http://www.postoffice.co.uk
Electronic access to information: http://www.royalmailgroup.com/our-businesses/ukpil/suppliers/contract-opportunities
Electronic submission of tenders and requests to participate: http://www.royalmailgroup.com/our-businesses/ukpil/suppliers/contract-opportunities
Further information can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Specifications and additional documents (including documents for competitive dialogue and a dynamic purchasing system) can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Section II: Object of the contract
Service category No 14: Building-cleaning services and property management services
Main site or location of works, place of delivery or of performance: UK.
NUTS code UK
Lot 1 - Soft FM Services;
Lot 2 - Hard FM Services;
Lot 3 - FM Helpdesk Services;
Lot 4 - Catering Services; and,
Lot 5 - Integrated FM Services (namely a single contract for the provision of all of Post Office's FM requirements as detailed in Lots 1 to 4.
Post Office will either award separate contracts under Lots 1 to 4 or a single contract under Lot 5. Further information is set out in section VI.3 and Annex B.
Tenders may be submitted for one or more lots
Range: between 105 000 000 and 165 000 000 GBP
Description of these options: Each contract will have an initial term of 3 years. Post Office reserves the right to extend any or all of the contracts for two further terms, each up to 2 years duration, up to a maximum total term of 7 years.
Provisional timetable for recourse to these options:
in months: 36 (from the award of the contract)
Information about lots
Lot No: 1 Lot title: Soft FM Services90910000 - DA03, 90510000, 90511000, 90511400, 90900000, 90911000, 90911100, 90911200, 90911300, 90914000, 90916000, 90919100, 90919200, 79993000, 79993100, 42933000, 15894500, 42933300, 98392000, 85142300, 77314000, 79992000, 90620000
Range: between 21 000 000 and 40 000 000 GBP
50000000 - DA03 - DA42 - DA44 - DA43 - FB09 - FG09 - FG10 - FG14 - IA15 - IA23, 50500000, 50700000, 50800000, 51100000, 51700000, 79993000, 31625000, 24962000, 45332200, 50750000
Range: between 77 000 000 and 110 000 000 GBP
79510000 - DA03, 79993100, 79994000, 79996100, 71318000, 79560000
Range: between 3 500 000 and 9 000 000 GBP
55500000 - DA03, 55520000, 50883000, 42933000, 15894500, 42933300
Range: between 3 500 000 and 6 000 000 GBP
79993100 - DA03, 55520000, 50883000, 42933000, 15894500, 42933300, 79994000, 79996100, 50000000, 50500000, 50700000, 50800000, 51100000, 51700000, 79993000, 31625000, 24962000, 45332200, 50750000, 90910000, 90510000, 90511000, 90511400, 90900000, 90911000, 90911100, 90911200, 90911300, 90914000, 90919200, 77314000, 85142300, 79992000, 98392000, 71318000, 79560000, 90620000
Range: between 105 000 000 and 165 000 000 GBP
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Description of particular conditions: Conditions to be set out in the contract to be sent out with the Invitation to Tender
Minimum level(s) of standards possibly required: Please see PQQ.
Applicants will be assessed in accordance with Part 4 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2006 (as amended); please see the PQQ for further information.
Minimum level(s) of standards possibly required:
Please see PQQ.
Section IV: Procedure
Objective criteria for choosing the limited number of candidates: Post Office will invite to tender the highest scoring applicants on the basis of the pre-selection criteria set out in the PQQ. Post Office intends to shortlist 5 bidders under each Lot.
Additional information about electronic auction: Post Office reserves the right to conduct an electronic auction at the tender stage of the procurement. In such circumstances further information will be provided to the Bidders as part of the tender documentation.
Section VI: Complementary information
E-sourcing portal.
1. Post Office makes use of the Royal Mail Group Limited e-sourcing system.
2. Please ensure that you submit an expression of interest (EOI) promptly so that your details can be populated in the e-sourcing system. This is a mandatory first step in order for you to be able to respond to the PQQ, Expression of Interest (EOI) & Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ).
1. Expression of Interest: - please ensure that you submit an EOI promptly; we would strongly encourage Bidders to submit an EOI promptly so that you can access the PQQ documentation in good time before the PQQ Response Deadline and your details can be populated in the RMG Electronic Sourcing system (E-Sourcing). This is a necessary first step in order for you to be able to respond to the PQQ.
2. To formally submit an EOI you must firstly download the Applicant Details Spreadsheet (Excel file) located on the RMG Website at: http://www.royalmailgroup.com/our-businesses/ukpil/suppliers/contract-opportunities
3. The Applicant Details Spreadsheet should be completed with the details of your organisation. Thespreadsheet format should not be amended in any way. Mandatory information required to be added to the spreadsheet is: Organisation name and telephone number; First name, surname, telephone number and email address of the person who will complete the PQQ. Please also complete as much of the non-mandatory information as possible.
4. Following completion of your Applicant Details Spreadsheet, please email the spreadsheet to
5. You will THEN be sent information on how to access the PQQ. The PQQ will be managed using the RMG Electronic Sourcing System (Esourcing).
6. The PQQ is accessed via Esourcing. You will need to receive 2 emails in order to participate. Once you have submitted your completed Applicant Details Spreadsheet you will be provided with your FIRST email (within 48 hours Monday - Friday) which is a log-on to Esourcing. These log-on details shall arrive via and be headed Royal Mail Group RFX (please do not email this site unless instructed to do so). On receipt of your log-on information you will then be sent a SECOND email (within 24 hours Monday to Friday) from or RMG, inviting you to participate in the PQQ. It is at this point that you will be able to fully access the PQQ and start to complete it. Please note: Your log-on will not be activated until you are formally invited to participate, so please do not try to log-on BEFORE you are invited to do so, since your access will be denied.
Important NotesThis OJEU Notice must be read in full. Applicants are reminded that participation in this procurement process is subject to the Terms and Conditions set out in Appendix 1 of the PQQ and the e-sourcing portal Terms of Use.
The duration and estimated total value of the contract set out in Section II above (and Annex B as the case may be) are based upon the total maximum duration of the contract including all possible extensions.
This requirement has been broken down into five separate Lots, as follows:
Lot 1 - Soft FM services;
Lot 2 - Hard FM services;
Lot 3 - FM helpdesk services;
Lot 4 - Catering services; and
Lot 5 - Integrated FM services (namely a single contract for the provision of all of Post Office's FM requirements, as detailed in Lots 1 to 4).
Applicants are invited to express an interest in one or more Lots. Post Office intends to shortlist 5 bidders per Lot through to the tender stage.
At the award stage, Post Office will conduct a separate evaluation under each Lot. The most economically advantageous tender for each of Lots 1,2,3 and 4 will then be aggregated and the collective result compared against the most economically advantageous tender submitted under Lot 5. Post Office will either award separate contracts under Lots 1 to 4 or it will award a single contract under Lot 5, dependent upon which option is established as representing the most economically advantageous offer overall. For the avoidance of doubt, in the event that the Lot 5 most economically advantageous tender is selected as the winning offer overall, those bidders which are ranked in first place under Lots 1 to 4 will not be awarded a contract under those Lots.
Social Value
In accordance with the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 Post Office must consider:
(a) how what is proposed to be procured might improve the economic, social and environmental well-being of the area where it exercises its functions, and
(b) how, in conducting the process of procurement, it might act with
a view to securing that improvement.
Accordingly, the subject matter of the contracts have been scoped to take into account the priorities of Post Office relating to economic, social and environmental well-being. These priorities will also be reflected in the evaluation criteria for the award of the
contract(s), to the extent that Post Office considers it relevant and proportionate to the subject matter of the contracts.