SP480 - Clinical Leadership Fellowship Programme.

Contract notice


Directive 2004/18/EC

Section I: Contracting authority

I.1)Name, addresses and contact point(s)

County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust
County Durham Procurement Consortium, University Hospital of North Durham, North Road, Durham, DH1 5TW
For the attention of: Ryan Lee
DH1 5TW Durham
Telephone: +44 1913332751
Fax: +44 1913332678

Internet address(es):

General address of the contracting authority: https://www.cardea.nhs.uk/Cardea/DisplayModules/TradeModules/Negotiations/Opportunities/ViewOpportunityEvent.aspx?EventID=1189

Further information can be obtained from: County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust
County Durham Procurement Consortium, University Hospital Of North Durham, North Road, Durham, DH1 5TW
For the attention of: Ryan Lee
DH1 5TW Durham
Telephone: +44 1913332751
Fax: +44 1913332678
Internet address: https://www.cardea.nhs.uk/Cardea/DisplayModules/TradeModules/Negotiations/Opportunities/ViewOpportunityEvent.aspx?EventID=1189

Specifications and additional documents (including documents for competitive dialogue and a dynamic purchasing system) can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)

Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to: County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust
County Durham Procurement Consortium, University Hospital Of North Durham, North Road, Durham, DH1 5TW
For the attention of: Ryan Lee
DH1 5TW Durham
Telephone: +44 1913332751
Fax: +44 1913332678
Internet address: https://www.cardea.nhs.uk/Cardea/DisplayModules/TradeModules/Negotiations/Opportunities/ViewOpportunityEvent.aspx?EventID=1189

I.2)Type of the contracting authority
Regional or local authority
I.3)Main activity
I.4)Contract award on behalf of other contracting authorities
The contracting authority is purchasing on behalf of other contracting authorities: no

Section II: Object of the contract

II.1.1)Title attributed to the contract by the contracting authority:
SP480 - Clinical Leadership Fellowship Programme.
II.1.2)Type of contract and location of works, place of delivery or of performance
Service category No 24: Education and vocational education services

NUTS code UKC13,UKC14

II.1.3)Information about a public contract, a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system (DPS)
II.1.4)Information on framework agreement
II.1.5)Short description of the contract or purchase(s)
Within NHS organisations in the north east we want to continuously identify and proactively develop all clinicians who have both the skills and the ambition to be leaders in the NHS of today and of the future.
Following the success of the most recent North East Leadership Academy Clinical Fellowship, the programme has been identified by the Chief Executive community as a funding priority for 2012-13.
The aim is to identify a minimum of 24 senior clinicians and provide comprehensive leadership development.
Participants for the programme will undertake transformation project work which we expect to be integral to the programme.
This programme will be underpinned by the NHS Leadership Framework (2011) which includes the medical leadership competency framework (2009) and the NHS change model (2012).
Participants will attend an assessment process, a two day residential development centre and full programme of events.
It is expected that the programme participants will have the option to gain academic credits at Masters level. In addition a dual qualification from a professional Institute for managers would be welcomed.

To register interest in this tendering opportunity please visit the following link - https://www.cardea.nhs.uk/Cardea/DisplayModules/TradeModules/Negotiations/Opportunities/ViewOpportunityEvent.aspx?EventID=1189.

II.1.6)Common procurement vocabulary (CPV)


II.1.7)Information about Government Procurement Agreement (GPA)
The contract is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA): no
This contract is divided into lots: no
II.1.9)Information about variants
Variants will be accepted: yes
II.2)Quantity or scope of the contract
II.2.1)Total quantity or scope:
Within NHS organisations in the north east we want to continuously identify and proactively develop all clinicians who have both the skills and the ambition to be leaders in the NHS of today and of the future.
Following the success of the most recent North East Leadership Academy Clinical Fellowship, the programme has been identified by the Chief Executive community as a funding priority for 2012-13.
The aim is to identify a minimum of 24 senior clinicians and provide comprehensive leadership development.
Participants for the programme will undertake transformation project work which we expect to be integral to the programme.
This programme will be underpinned by the NHS Leadership Framework (2011) which includes the medical leadership competency framework (2009) and the NHS change model (2012).
Participants will attend an assessment process, a two day residential development centre and full programme of events.
It is expected that the programme participants will have the option to gain academic credits at Masters level. In addition a dual qualification from a professional Institute for managers would be welcomed.

To register in this tendering opportunity please visit the following link - https://www.cardea.nhs.uk/Cardea/DisplayModules/TradeModules/Negotiations/Opportunities/ViewOpportunityEvent.aspx?EventID=1189.

II.2.2)Information about options
Options: no
II.2.3)Information about renewals
This contract is subject to renewal: no
II.3)Duration of the contract or time limit for completion

Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information

III.1)Conditions relating to the contract
III.1.1)Deposits and guarantees required:
III.1.2)Main financing conditions and payment arrangements and/or reference to the relevant provisions governing them:
III.1.3)Legal form to be taken by the group of economic operators to whom the contract is to be awarded:
No special legal form is required, but each supplier will be required to become jointly and severally responsible for the contract before acceptance.
III.1.4)Other particular conditions
The performance of the contract is subject to particular conditions: no
III.2)Conditions for participation
III.2.1)Personal situation of economic operators, including requirements relating to enrolment on professional or trade registers
Information and formalities necessary for evaluating if the requirements are met: To be issued in the next stage of the tendering process.
III.2.2)Economic and financial ability
Information and formalities necessary for evaluating if the requirements are met: Copies of Companies Annual Accounts, presentation of balance sheets, if not required to keep audited accounts by the law of the country in which they are established, or other documentation as appropriate if the publication of balance sheets is not required by the law of the country which they are established.
III.2.3)Technical capacity
Information and formalities necessary for evaluating if the requirements are met:
Copies of Training certificates, Taxi licences, CRB.
Checks, health and safety, Enviromental Policy / safe working practices and Data Protection Act.
III.2.4)Information about reserved contracts
III.3)Conditions specific to services contracts
III.3.1)Information about a particular profession
Execution of the service is reserved to a particular profession: no
III.3.2)Staff responsible for the execution of the service
Legal persons should indicate the names and professional qualifications of the staff responsible for the execution of the service: no

Section IV: Procedure

IV.1)Type of procedure
IV.1.1)Type of procedure
IV.1.2)Limitations on the number of operators who will be invited to tender or to participate
IV.1.3)Reduction of the number of operators during the negotiation or dialogue
IV.2)Award criteria
IV.2.1)Award criteria
IV.2.2)Information about electronic auction
An electronic auction will be used: no
IV.3)Administrative information
IV.3.1)File reference number attributed by the contracting authority:
IV.3.2)Previous publication(s) concerning the same contract
IV.3.3)Conditions for obtaining specifications and additional documents or descriptive document
IV.3.4)Time limit for receipt of tenders or requests to participate
23.8.2012 - 12:00
IV.3.5)Date of dispatch of invitations to tender or to participate to selected candidates
IV.3.6)Language(s) in which tenders or requests to participate may be drawn up
IV.3.7)Minimum time frame during which the tenderer must maintain the tender
IV.3.8)Conditions for opening tenders

Section VI: Complementary information

VI.1)Information about recurrence
This is a recurrent procurement: no
VI.2)Information about European Union funds
VI.3)Additional information

To register interest in this tendering opportunity please visit the following link - https://www.cardea.nhs.uk/Cardea/DisplayModules/TradeModules/Negotiations/Opportunities/ViewOpportunityEvent.aspx?EventID=1189.

VI.4)Procedures for appeal
VI.4.1)Body responsible for appeal procedures
VI.4.2)Lodging of appeals
VI.4.3)Service from which information about the lodging of appeals may be obtained
VI.5)Date of dispatch of this notice: