Strategic asset management.
Contract notice - utilities
Section I: Contracting entity
National Grid UK Ltd
Warwick Technology Park, Gallows Hill
Contact point(s): +44 1926653475
For the attention of: Mr Tam Curran, Global Category Manager IS/IT Services
CV34 6DA Warwick
Telephone: +44 1926653475
Internet address(es):
General address of the contracting entity:
Further information can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Specifications and additional documents (including documents for a dynamic purchasing system) can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Section II: Object of the contract
Service category No 7: Computer and related services
NUTS code UK
This will provide an integrated solution for use by internal and external users across National Grid UK and its partners comprising (but not limited to):
- Portal-based presentation layer,
- A single point of access to data from multiple applications,
- An intuitive, graphically driven solution with flexible navigation,
- User configurable, including subscriptions to data, events, alarms and alerts,
- A flexible platform, into which new presentation and analysis tools can be easily delivered,
- Dashboards displays, analytical tools and reporting,
- Support standard and specialist tools,
- Visualisation of data and information within a Geospatial context (GIS),
- Integration with existing core capabilities, including EAM, network control systems and interrogation and data acquisition from remote assets,
- Data historian - a repository to acquire, compress, store high performance time-series data and historical information and the analytic capability to generate actionable information for faster, accurate and performance based decision-making,
- Systems integrator.
All solutions must comply with open standards protocols, including IEC61970 common information model.
48000000, 48300000, 48326100, 48326000, 48328000, 48329000, 38221000, 48000000, 72200000, 48100000, 48160000, 48210000, 48217000, 48220000, 48311000, 48460000, 48600000, 48627000, 48780000, 72000000, 48900000, 48982000, 72212100, 72314000
Tenders may be submitted for one or more lots
This will provide an integrated solution for use by internal and external users across National Grid UK and its partners comprising (but not limited to):
- Portal-based presentation layer,
- A single point of access to data from multiple applications,
- An intuitive, graphically driven solution with flexible navigation,
- User configurable, including subscriptions to data, events, alarms and alerts,
- A flexible platform, into which new presentation and analysis tools can be easily delivered,
- Dashboards displays, analytical tools and reporting,
- Support standard and specialist tools,
- Visualisation of data and information within a Geospatial context (GIS),
- Interrogation with existing core capabilities, including EAM, network control systems and interrogation and data acquisition from remote assets,
- Data historian - a repository to acquire, compress, store high performance time-series data and historical information and the analytic capability to generate actionable information for faster, accurate and performance based decision-making,
- Systems integrator.
All solutions must comply with open standards protocols, including IEC61970 common information model.
Estimated value excluding VAT: 3 500 000 GBP
Description of these options: National Grid reserves the right at its absolute discretion to exercise contractual options to extend beyond the initial 5 year term plus one, 2 or 3 year extensions up to a maximum total contract period of 10 years.
Provisional timetable for recourse to these options:
in months: 60 (from the award of the contract)
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Description of particular conditions: The selected entity will be required to participate actively in the achievement of social and/or environmental objectives. Contract performance conditions to meet these objectives will be contained in the contract documents.
In order to obtain a PQQ, applicants must be registered on the National Grid Ariba system. Applicants are to request access to this by sending an e-mail confirming interest in the PQQ to Tam Curran at the e-mail address stated in Section 1 of this notice. Once registered, applicants will be sent instructions which will enable them to access the PQQ document (when available) via the Ariba portal. This process may take up to two working days.
Note: the PQQ will not be available until up to four (4) weeks after the closing date of this Notice.
National Grid will reject any applicant who is deemed ineligible to tender for or be awarded a public contract based upon the grounds set out in Regulation 26 (1) of the Utilities Contract Regulations 2006.
National Grid may reject any applicant who fails to provide audited accounts.
National Grid will reject any applicant who fails to provide satisfactory evidence that it is capable of performing a contract on the scale of this procurement process.
The PQQ will be issued to applicants who have expressed interest in participating by the closing date of this Notice. The PQQ will be issued within four (4) weeks after the closing date to this Notice.
National Grid may or may not progress with a request for information (RFI) following evaluation of the PQQ. Following that stage, National Grid will issue the request for proposal (RFP). All documentation will be managed via Ariba.
Section IV: Procedure
Some candidates have already been selected (if appropriate under certain types of negotiated procedures): no
Payable documents: no
Section VI: Complementary information
SAM will deliver an integrated infrastructure, data storage, analysis and reporting tools. The SAM implementation will provide an integrated platform that will support the future growth in transmission activities, facilitating faster deployment and avoiding bespoke development of IT systems.
Lots include:
- Portal and visualisation tools,
- Geospatial information system,
- Analytics and event processing including notification services,
- Data consolidation and metadata management,
- Data collection and processing application services,
- Data historian, data warehouse, on-line data store,
- Systems integrator.
National Grid reserves the right to progress with none, one, more than one or all of the lots described above.