SS16052 - Customer Feedback System.
Contract notice
Section I: Contracting authority
Kent County Council
County Hall
For the attention of: Mr Paul Richardson
ME14 1XQ Maidstone
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 1622694785
Internet address(es):
General address of the contracting authority:
Electronic access to information:
Electronic submission of tenders and requests to participate:
Further information can be obtained from: Kent County Council
County Hall
For the attention of: Mr Paul Richardson
ME14 1XQ Maidstone
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 1622694785
Specifications and additional documents (including documents for competitive dialogue and a dynamic purchasing system) can be obtained from: Kent County Council
County Hall
For the attention of: Mr Paul Richardson
ME14 1XQ Maidstone
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 1622694785
Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to: Kent County Council
County Hall
For the attention of: Mr Paul Richardson
ME14 1XQ Maidstone
United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 1622694785
Section II: Object of the contract
A combination of these
NUTS code UKJ4
Kent County Council (KCC) is re-issuing this notice, after discussing with the market,(ref PIN 2016/S 060-100974) and re-addressing the financial modelling, relating to the the introduction of a Centralised Customer Feedback system, for use by staff to log feedback from our customers. The objective of this notice is to deliver a suitable solution that will interact with some legacy Customer Feedback Systems. KCC operates a number of Customer Management systems, but this system will be required to interrogate information generated by these internal systems, as well as collecting information directly from customers via a Web based front end and through staff in the Call Centre. The reporting needs to be as a standard system output, but also flexible enough to generate reporting as needed to satisfy a bespoke need. The system will provide a corporate solution via a single point of logging and tracking feedback and requests for information received from the public. This includes; Complaints, Compliments and Comments Local Ombudsman Complaints (LGO) Freedom of Information Requests Environmental Information Regulations Subject Access Requests/Data Protection Act The solution will allow the logging of feedback relating to Services, Staff or Policy which will take the form of Compliments, Comments or Complaints, Requests for Information and LGO complaints. The solution will provide an end to end process that will incorporate receipt through to final response/outcome. The solution provided will supply the reports to enable KCC to measure performance, identify trends and allow KCC to learn across all Directorates, what the customer is telling us. The Tender will close on the 14.11.2016 @ 10:00. References will be required and Tenderers should ensure that the Referee have been contacted, prior to them being sent a ‘Request for Information’. failure to have the information returned in the specified timescale may cause disqualification from the process. All documentation, that is requested must be returned with the ITT response. No clarifications will be allowed after 31.10.2016. The KBP can by located at: uk Any enquires after registration on the Kent Business Portal should be via the ‘Discussions’ facility. A Suppliers guide is attached to the Qualification Questionnaire, to assist in registering on the KBP.
this contact may be accessed by any Public council within Kent plus the following organisations:The Central Buying Consortium
Eastern Shires Purchasing Organisation
North Eastern Purchasing Organisation
Yorkshire Purchasing Organisation
Improvement and Efficiency South East
South West Centre of Excellence
Capital Ambition (London Assembly)
and all local authorities (e.g. Police, Fire and Rescue and Ambulance Services. National Health Service Trusts and Third Sector Organisations, located within these regions and stated on a named directory.
48000000, 48219300, 48445000
Kent County Council (KCC) is re-issuing this notice, after discussing with the market,(ref PIN 2016/S 060-100974) and re-addressing the financial modelling, relating to the the introduction of a Centralised Customer Feedback system, for use by staff to log feedback from our customers. The objective of this notice is to deliver a suitable solution that will interact with some legacy Customer Feedback Systems. KCC operates a number of Customer Management systems, but this system will be required to interrogate information generated by these internal systems, as well as collecting information directly from customers via a Web based front end and through staff in the Call Centre. The reporting needs to be as a standard system output, but also flexible enough to generate reporting as needed to satisfy a bespoke need. The system will provide a corporate solution via a single point of logging and tracking feedback and requests for information received from the public. This includes; Complaints, Compliments and Comments Local Ombudsman Complaints (LGO) Freedom of Information Requests Environmental Information Regulations Subject Access Requests/Data Protection Act The solution will allow the logging of feedback relating to Services, Staff or Policy which will take the form of Compliments, Comments or Complaints, Requests for Information and LGO complaints. The solution will provide an end to end process that will incorporate receipt through to final response/outcome. The solution provided will supply the reports to enable KCC to measure performance, identify trends and allow KCC to learn across all Directorates, what the customer is telling us.
The Contract will comprise of a 3 year period with the option to extend on a 1+1 year basis. Each extension will be subject to a review and notification via a formal variation to contract. As mentioned in the description the contract will be accessible to other organisations.The evaluation with comprise of a total 1 000 points, (350 point as allocated to Quality related questions, 650 points to Price related Questions. The price evaluation will be in two stages, 300 points related to the total price and 350 points to the financial model of Capital / Revenue). This evaluation is detailed further in the Tender documentation.
Section III: Legal, economic, financial and technical information
Description of particular conditions: Description of particular conditions are noted in the Terms and Conditions, attached to the Tender documentation and referenced in the ITT.
Section IV: Procedure
Prior information notice
Notice number in the OJEU: 2016/S 060-100974 of 25.3.2016
Payable documents: no
Section VI: Complementary information